Nagovitsyn is the President of Buryatia. Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn about his resignation: “All this is needed, first of all, for Buryatia

Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Nagovitsyn is the ex-head of the Republic of Buryatia, who held this post from July 2007 to February 7, 2017.

Childhood and family of Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn

The former governor of Buryatia is Udmurt by nationality. Vyacheslav’s parents met during the Great Patriotic War. At that time, his father was barely 17, his mother was 16. Both of them worked at a plant for the production of shells. My mother was a turner, turning cartridges, my father was a carpenter, making boxes for shells in a carpentry shop.

Upon reaching adulthood, the young people signed their names and gradually got back on their feet. On March 2, 1956, their son Slavik was born. It was an ordinary Soviet family, with problems characteristic of that period, but always friendly and cheerful.

Vyacheslav, like all children, attended kindergarten, and in the summer he visited his grandmothers. His paternal grandfather, Konstantin Dmitrievich Nagovitsyn, was a decorated veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Back in 1941, he was wounded in the head, but after the hospital he returned to duty and reached Berlin. In 1946, he died of pneumonia. The second maternal grandfather worked in the rear, at a sawmill; Due to an accident, he was left without fingers, so he did not go to the front, but he also did not live to see the birth of his grandson.

When the boy was 5 years old, his father was given a new assignment and the family moved to Uzbekistan, to the garden city of Navoi.

During his school years, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn was involved in artistic gymnastics, went to competitions and managed to study well. Maintaining a high level of grades was not easy, because I had to regularly go to training camps, compete and gain knowledge at school. In high school, the young man mastered judo and sambo wrestling. Even then, the future head of the Republic of Buryatia began to cultivate diligence and hard work in himself.

Student life of Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn

In the fall of 1973, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn became a student at the mechanical engineering department of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. Young Vyacheslav mastered the specialty of mechanical engineer. During his five student years, the future head of the region studied and learned a lot. A special impression of that time remains to this day, and it concerns not the studies at all, but the weather.

Having become accustomed to the warm Central Asian climate of Uzbekistan, Vyacheslav almost froze – literally. The first winter in Tomsk began in November and greeted the young student with real Siberian frost - 56 0. The parents did not even suspect that such cold weather could exist and provided their son with the warmest clothes - a rubberized coat, which from the severe frost turned into torn canvas in a matter of seconds. Vyacheslav managed to run in it from the hostel to the institute. Then classmates came to the rescue, borrowing warm outerwear. Then the parents sent the freezing student a real sheepskin coat, warm and heavy.

Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn in the RBC studio

Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn remembered this time as a period of testing human relationships, mutual assistance and love. It was while a student that he met his soul mate - Nina. Since then they have not separated. And from then on, he met with friends from the university every year, with fellow students every five years, remembering moments of strong student friendship, sports life and teachers who gave them a start in life.

Career growth of Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn

The working life of 22-year-old Vyacheslav began as an engineer at the Tomsk Instrument Plant. Over the course of 8 years of work, he rose to the position of shop manager. The young engineer capable of leadership was noticed by the head of the Tomsk Measuring Equipment Plant, where Vyacheslav Vladimirovich was invited to the position of chief engineer. Later Nagovitsyn became the general director of this plant.

Continuous zeal for acquiring knowledge, science, and self-education helped Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn realize himself from 1998 to 1999. as Deputy Governor of the Tomsk Region for Industry and Entrepreneurship Support. This was followed by a promotion to Chairman of the Government of the Tomsk Region and First Deputy Head of the Tomsk Province.

During his three years of service, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich continuously dealt with issues of reforming housing and communal services, the transport sector and industry, contributed to the development of small businesses and collaborated with representatives of the business elite of the Siberian region and the country. Skillfully contributed to eliminating the internal debt of the budget of the Tomsk region.

Interview with Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn (“Exclusively about the main thing”)

In 2002, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn headed the coordinating council for the forestry and timber industry “Siberian Agreement”, and also became the head of the coordinating council for the development of human resources in the Tomsk region. He headed the regional tripartite commission for regulating social and labor relations.

The hard work and activity of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich did not go unnoticed. In 2007, Vladimir Putin invited the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia to consider Nagovitsyn's candidacy for the post of President of the Republic of Buryatia. A week later, the candidacy was approved.

On June 28, 2007, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn was released from the post of first deputy governor of the Tomsk region. On July 10, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich took office as President of the Republic of Buryatia. Five years later, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree approving Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn as Head of the Republic of Buryatia.

As head of the region, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich identified a number of problematic areas, which he paid maximum attention to. Firstly, this is the early preparation of the personnel reserve: Vyacheslav recognized the need for an integrated approach to the upbringing and development of children, identifying their abilities and developing specific data. Then, the governor believed, profession-oriented schoolchildren should be sent to study at resource centers and engage in dual training.

The head of the region initiated the study of the national Buryat language from kindergarten, because it is at this age that children easily perceive and assimilate information. Nagovitsyn also spoke about the need for schools with in-depth study of the Buryat language.

In the republic, active work was carried out to develop the tourism sector of the region, the construction of tourist centers and large-scale celebrations on the occasion of national holidays.

An important part of the long-term development of the region is the environmental safety of Lake Baikal. Not a single pressing issue remained without the personal attention of the head of the region.

Personal life of Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn

Having married more than 30 years ago, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich remains a faithful family man to this day. Together with his wife Nina Vladimirovna, he is raising two sons, a daughter and three grandchildren. His wife is a shareholder of the Tomsk Measuring Equipment Plant. Their sons, Konstantin and Vladimir Nagovitsyn, followed in their father’s footsteps and are members of the management staff of energy companies in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk.

Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn prefers to spend his free time from work on Lake Baikal with his family: his wife, children and grandchildren. There he rests his soul and enjoys fishing both in summer and winter.

There is very little time left for sports training, but Vyacheslav Vladimirovich prefers to spend these hours in the home gym and swimming pool. In winter he prefers skiing in the snowy forest, and in the rest of the year he prefers Nordic walking. Together with his wife, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn covers 5 kilometers with ski poles in his hands and breathing correctly. And all this for the sake of maintaining health and shape.

There is still time for communication on social networks. On the eve of 2016, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn registered on VKontakte, where he talked about events taking place in the region, raised important issues, shared emotions and, in general, was an active participant in virtual communication.

Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn today

In February 2017, the governor of Buryatia announced that he does not plan to run for a third term. Nagovitsyn believed that the republic needed changes and a new leader. On February 7, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on his early resignation and appointed acting Alexey Tsydenov, previously Deputy Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov.

The beginning of 2017 was marked by a series of resignations: in two weeks, five heads of Russian regions left their posts. Prior to this, the federal media included them among the potential candidates for relegation.

First, the forecasts came true in the Perm Territory: Governor Viktor Basargin wrote a statement “on his own.” The ex-head of Buryatia Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn followed. A week later, Sergei Mitin, who had headed the Novgorod region since 2007, announced his early resignation. He, like Nagovitsyn, decided not to stand as a candidate in the upcoming elections. The country's President Vladimir Putin immediately accepted his resignation and appointed Andrei Nikitin, director general of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), as acting head of the region.

The next from the “black list” was the Ryazan governor Oleg Kovalev. He announced his resignation at a government meeting. And on February 15, Alexander Khudilainen said goodbye to the chair of the head of Karelia. He stated that he did this voluntarily and is ready to begin any work that is offered to him in the Kremlin.

At the farewell press conference, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn summed up the results of ten years of work and thanked media representatives for their cooperation. In a conversation with journalists, the former head noted that he does not intend to retire and wants to continue, relying on his many years of experience, to serve for the benefit of the republic. Nagovitsyn also commented on the possible appointment as a senator to the Federation Council from Buryatia.

“Everything will be known soon”

In mid-February, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn and his wife flew to Moscow. As the website reported then, citing its own sources, negotiations were to take place in the Russian capital regarding his future work activity. On March 2, the former head of the region celebrated his 61st birthday in the Mukhorshibirsky district. He came to the regional center with his family to take part in the opening of the XIV Republican Winter Rural Sports Games and the Palace of Culture. Answering a question from a Vostok-Teleinform correspondent about the new work, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn said: “Everything will become known soon.”

I have a lot to do now in Ulan-Ude. And we’ve decided on the new position, you’ll find out everything soon, very soon,” the publication quotes him.

The ex-head emphasized that this work will be connected with Buryatia, but he will work in another region.

The Sobesednik newspaper decided to find out what former governors are doing today. As it turned out, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn has not yet resolved the issue with his employment. Despite the fact that he was expected to become the “political coach” of the acting head of the republic Alexei Tsydenov, he did not become a support for his successor.

“I work alone,” Tsydenov told media representatives at a meeting at the end of March.

From business to public service

Sergei Mitin from the Novgorod region has not yet found a job. Alexander Khudilainen, who left the post of head of Karelia in February, immediately moved to the Ust-Luga Oil company, which supplies petroleum products to Europe. To say that Khudilainen simply got a good job will not be enough: he immediately took the position of chairman of the board of directors. At the same time, the ex-official has never worked a day in business in his entire life, notes Sobesednik.

Many other exes also went into business. Ilya Mikhalchuk (Arkhangelsk region) got a job at the SU-155 group of construction companies as deputy general director. Pavel Ipatov (Saratov region) became deputy general director of Rosenergoatom OJSC. Oleg Betin (Tambov region) is now senior vice president of Russian Capital Bank.

Ex-governors thoroughly know the entire system of functioning of power in Russia. They are in demand as lobbyists for business. Perhaps only the FSB knows how decisions are actually made, says Ilya Grashchenkov, general director of the Center for the Development of Regional Policy.

The expert predicts that soon there will be an even more active exodus of the governor’s corps into business structures - due to his rejuvenation and, accordingly, earlier dismissal from office. A separate “caste” of the former are large farmers. Yuri Luzhkov is engaged in agribusiness in the Kaliningrad region: he has his own cows, sheep and, of course, bees. Former head of the Tver region Dmitry Zelenin, who became famous for his photograph of a worm on Twitter, now grows potatoes and supplies them to supermarkets. And the first and only vice-president of Russia and governor of the Kursk region (1996-2000) Alexander Rutskoi found employment at a cement plant and in fish farming. He is also trying to return to politics, but so far without success, the publication emphasizes.

Some “retirees” continue their bureaucratic careers. Thus, Nikolai Tsukanov (Kaliningrad region) became the presidential envoy in the Northwestern Federal District, Sergei Yastrebov (Yaroslavl region) - deputy minister of natural resources, Viktor Basargin (Perm region) - head of Rostransnadzor. The traditional political “sink” for ex-governors is the Federation Council: now a dozen former regional heads have the status of senators. And the speaker of the upper house, Valentina Matvienko, led St. Petersburg for eight years before her election to the Federation Council.

The old nomenclature system no longer works in our country; there is no single rule for further career development,” explains political scientist Konstantin Kalachev. - The fate of each former governor is determined individually and largely depends on his personal connections. There are those who end up being offered nothing at all. Although there is one untapped niche - the diplomatic service, albeit not in the most key countries. The easiest way is to send it to the legislative branch. Although this is mostly an honorary pension option.

A typical example of such a “pensioner” is Eduard Rossel from the Sverdlovsk region. In the near future, ex-governor of the Ryazan region Oleg Kovalev, who has been appointed as a voluntary adviser to his successor, may also join him in the meeting room of the Federation Council in the near future.

Labor in captivity

Some are not very lucky, and they are forced to continue their work “career” in prison. Convicted of bribery, Vyacheslav Dudka (Tula region) works as a molder of wall blocks, and before that he was a member of the fire brigade.

He is currently eligible for parole. The prisoner does not violate the regime, leads an obedient lifestyle, characterizes the former governor of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Nikolai Denin (Bryansk region) got a job as a gatekeeper in the zone. He is also distinguished by “exemplary behavior.” Other ex-governors who have come to the attention of investigators are forced to rest for now - until the court verdict. Waiting for him are Leonid Markelov (Mari El), Alexander Solovyov (Udmurtia), Vyacheslav Gaizer (Komi), Vasily Yurchenko (Novosibirsk region), Alexander Khoroshavin (Sakhalin) and Nikita Belykh (Kirov region).

Markelov, as a well-known lover of poetry, could get a job as a librarian if he were sent to a colony. Solovyov could benefit from his experience of working as a slinger in his youth, and Belykh could work as a journalist. Khoroshavin is quite capable of applying for the position of bathhouse attendant - there was a luxurious bathhouse in his governor’s residence. It looks like Gaiser will have the worst of it. Before politics, he worked only in a bank, but now, for obvious reasons, they won’t let him near the money even in the zone, the publication writes.

MOSCOW, February 7 - RIA Novosti. The head of Buryatia, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, unexpectedly left his post on Tuesday, explaining his decision by the need for rotation in power and his reluctance to run for a third term. Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alexei Tsydenov, temporarily appointed to this position, intends to rely on the development of livestock farming and tourism in Buryatia, as well as raise the standard of living.

Nagovitsyn became the second governor from the list, which the Vedomosti newspaper published on Monday, citing a source close to the Kremlin. The publication reported the possible imminent resignation of several governors, including Viktor Basargin, who resigned on Monday.

As for Nagovitsyn, his resignation came as a surprise to employees of the Buryat government. Only on Monday, sources in the republic’s power structures told RIA Novosti that the head of the region does not intend to leave his post and will run for a new term.

A deliberate step

Nagovitsyn announced his resignation at a press conference. “This was a very deliberate step on my part, and no one pushed me to this decision,” said the former head of Buryatia. However, the press secretary of the head of the republic, Alexander Maltsev, told RIA Novosti that “the decision to resign was unexpected for everyone.”

Nagovitsyn explained that his decision is also explained by the fact that the candidate who will be appointed by the President of Russia must have time to get acquainted with the region and people before the start of the election campaign, and this takes time. In his opinion, all candidates should be on equal terms.

“I made for myself, in my opinion, the only right decision - not to run for a third term... All over the world they adhere to the same principle - two terms. There must be rotation,” explained the ex-head of Buryatia. In his opinion, with rotation, a new fresh wave comes, which revitalizes the entire economy.

At the same time, Nagovitsyn noted that he would like to continue working in a government position and be useful, however, without specifying where exactly he is ready to work. “Use (potential) in the future in public office so that I can benefit both the country and the republic. I have health and sufficient strength,” Nagovitsyn noted.

The era of Nagovitsyn is over

According to People's Khural deputy, head of the committee on economic policy, use of natural resources and environmental protection Anatoly Kushnarev, Nagovitsyn did a lot for the region in his post.

“If you want an assessment, then I believe that he did a lot for the republic. People began to know us more, he raised the bar, Buryatia began to be heard at the federal level. This is thanks to various forums and the arrival of “big” people. As for the economy, there is a lot of what has been done, there is also something that has not been possible, but the reasons may be different,” Kushnarev told RIA Novosti.

As for the candidacy of a successor, Kushnarev suggested that Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation Alexey Tsydenov could become the acting head of Buryatia. Later his assumption was confirmed. On the same day, Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted Nagovitsyn’s resignation and appointed Tsydenov as the acting head of Buryatia.

“He’s our Tsydenov, from the Trans-Baikal Territory... at least he grew up here, he knows the territory,” the agency’s interlocutor suggested. However, Kushnarev admitted that for local authorities the new leader is still a dark horse.

“Unfortunately, we don’t know him (Tsydenov - ed.) here in the republic. For us, this candidacy is still a mystery. Tomorrow (Wednesday) he should fly in and we’ll get acquainted. The Nagovitsyn era is over,” said the agency’s interlocutor.

Priorities - livestock farming, tourism, transport

Immediately after the appointment of the acting head of Buryatia, Tsydenov, at a meeting with Russian President Putin, outlined the region’s priority tasks - the development of livestock farming, tourism, the social sphere and transport infrastructure.

“First, we need to create employment. What is fast is livestock farming and tourism. With longer periods is the development of mineral deposits, everything is more tied to the transport infrastructure, to the energy infrastructure,” Tsydenov said.

He also noted the international tourism potential of Buryatia - the great interest in Baikal from Mongolia, due historically, as well as from China. According to Tsydenov, it can be implemented.

In addition, the acting head of Buryatia emphasized that people “certainly need good roads, good living conditions, beautiful, convenient, comfortable courtyards, the social sphere is medicine, education.” Tsydenov admitted that he already has ideas that he intends to implement.

Among the advantages of the region, the acting head named natural features from the point of view of tourism development, a large reserve of sought-after minerals, a good geographical location in terms of proximity to Asia-Pacific countries, promising markets, as well as agricultural potential. In general, according to Tsydenov, the quality of life in the region can be improved in a fairly short time.

Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn

The main question of the new 2017 for Buryatia is who will become the Head of the Republic in the elections on September 10, 2017. The current Head of the Republic of Belarus, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, is actually already conducting an active election campaign. True, this is a very unique campaign, since it takes place in an “underground” manner. The main opponent, Senator Vyacheslav Markhaev, is also ready for nomination. However, these are all preliminary candidates. The situation may change by the end of winter.

All right?

Not long ago, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, who decided to seek a new term as the head of Buryatia, is said to have secured the support of such an interesting political element as the Council of Elders under the Head of Buryatia. They say that he “bribed” the elders by allegedly guaranteeing them, and these were mainly representatives of the former party and economic nomenklatura, the payment of so-called VIP supplements to pensions.
Let us recall that this year the issue of huge payments to VIP pensioners in the republic caused a storm of indignation. The public demanded the abolition of these payments, but the Head of Buryatia froze them until the end of 2016. And next year, they say, payments will be made, especially since the draft budget for 2017 has already provided for this more than 230 million rubles.
They also say that the Head of the Republic of Belarus holds meetings with the Heads of the regions of the republic and other reference persons in order to obtain their consent for support. They say that at such meetings, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn allegedly calmly voices that he has secured support at all levels of presidential power. Apparently he met with the new Head of the Presidential Administration Anton Vaino, his first deputy Sergei Kiriyenko and the head of the Presidential Department for Domestic Policy Andrei Yarin. And everyone allegedly “approved” his nomination for a third term as head of Buryatia. In addition, allegedly according to Vyacheslav Vladimirovich, his new nomination is supported by the Siberian plenipotentiary Sergei Menyailo and the influential deputy plenipotentiary Lyubov Burda. All that remains, they say, is to hold a meeting with President Vladimir Putin...
In general, there is a complete feeling that there is no alternative to Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, who maintains stability in the eastern region far from Moscow, and is not expected. The only thing that confuses us is the non-public nature of the news about the nomination of Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn for future elections. Official media write about the fateful initiatives of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich to form a “government of people's trust”, about his ban on checking businesses more than required, and about the fact that there is practically no alternative to him.

Machine of "people's love"
In general, indeed, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich has both the desire and the opportunity to run for a third term. In principle, the future election campaign for him has been thought out to the smallest detail and is actually ready. This electoral machine even underwent a preliminary test run in the elections of State Duma deputy Aldar Damdinov. Although, as some irresponsible ex-staff officers complain, they were allegedly never paid for their election work. And now this created and tested electoral machine should lead to the third term of the leader of Buryatia, dear Vyacheslav Vladimirovich.
In Ulan-Ude, the corresponding political strategists are working day and night for the benefit of this future victory. And thanks to budget funds, the Head of the Republic of Belarus is supported by a number of media outlets. In addition, entire divisions have long been working to maintain his positive image, for example, such as the Autonomous Non-Profit Organization “Open Buryatia,” which prepares materials about the activities of the Head and Government of the Republic of Belarus in the regional media. Recently, this ANO, as they say, even bought the ATV television channel, which immediately lost the features of some kind of independence and opposition.
The political elites, desperate to nominate their own candidate to spite the sun-faced Nagovitsyn, are also allegedly ready to support him. They say that there are even certain plans to strengthen this support. For example, there is supposedly a project to separate the posts of the Head of Buryatia and the Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Belarus. Under the ruling Head of the Republic of Belarus, there will be a certain popular head of the cabinet of ministers who will be able to calm the dissatisfied People's Khural of the Republic of Belarus. This could be, for example, Bato Semenov or even Gennady Aidaev.

Operation Atomic Rollback

As they say, the financial issues of the future election campaign of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich have also been resolved - allegedly, Rosatom State Corporation can allocate about 200 million rubles for the elections. This money is supposedly a kind of kickback for providing tax exemption to the Rostatom enterprise - OJSC Khiagda. Let us recall that the amount of savings in connection with the tax incentive for the uranium enterprise is about 1 billion 200 million rubles. Although, for a giant state corporation, this billion, in general, is not money, but for the economy of Buryatia it would be needed like air.
An important “spring” in providing tax benefits to JSC Khiagda was, as they say, Deputy of the People’s Khural of the Republic of Belarus, Chairman of the Khural Committee on Economic Policy Alexander Kushnarev. He actively pushed for this tax benefit through the People's Khural of the Republic of Belarus under the plausible pretext of improving the investment climate for JSC Khiagda, which invested about 20 billion rubles in the republic. And now the award has almost found our hero - Alexander Kushnarev is destined to become the rector of the Buryat Agricultural Academy, he is supported, naturally, by Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn.
However, they again say that Rosatom is not confident that the current Head of the Republic of Belarus will be able to win the elections on September 10, 2017, so this combination with a “rollback” could break down at any minute.

Problems of political competition

Vyacheslav Markhaev / Photo:

Nikolay Buduev / Photo:

Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn, who has long been tuned to elections, in the fight for popular votes will inevitably face a rival like Vyacheslav Markhaev, around whom all opposition-minded forces can unite. From the entourage of the leader of the republican committee of the Communist Party of the Buryatia there are signals about his readiness for elections. The charismatic communist will most likely be supported by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, the mayor of Novosibirsk Anatoly Lokot, and the governor of the Irkutsk region Sergei Levchenko. And in Buryatia, the Irkutsk scenario may be repeated, when the candidate from United Russia, the all-powerful governor Sergei Eroshchenko, did not get some 1.5% on election day, and in the second round he finally lost to the communist Sergei Levchenko.
And there is a high risk that Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn may lose to Vyacheslav Markhaev, even by launching the mobilization scenario of his election campaign. And if he wins, it will most likely be a “Pyrrhic victory,” as a result of which the republic will be split. In this case, a more acute political confrontation between the official authorities and a significant part of society will begin than at present.
Nagovitsyn’s supporters are confident that they will be able to solve the problem of a possible confrontation between the Head of the Republic of Belarus and oligarch Mikhail Slipenchuk, whom he did not allow into the State Duma this year. Maybe Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn will give the oligarch the position of senator, and he will calm down.
And for complete happiness and triumph of the team of the current Head of the Republic of Belarus, rumors are being intensively spread on the government sidelines about the imminent transfer of the prosecutor of Buryatia Valery Petrov to a promotion to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. However, all the rumors that are currently circulating in the republic show a lack of clarity on the issue of future elections of the Head of the Republic of Belarus. They wishful thinking. Moreover, Moscow will give some clear political signals only after the end of winter. And then the political situation in the republic may change most radically. For now, we live in a time of rumors. Well, in conclusion, one more rumor - State Duma deputy Nikolai Buduev plans to run in the elections of the Head of the Republic of Belarus. The Kremlin's lucky guy could thoroughly confuse Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn's victorious plans.

Alexander Mikhailov


Map of regions / Photo:

Rating of Russian regions by Profile magazine
According to him, Buryatia is in the last ten in terms of economic dynamics (from worst to best) of regions that are experiencing the 2016 crisis worst of all.
- Primorsky Krai
- Omsk region
- Karachay-Cherkess Republic
- Mari El Republic
- Republic of North Ossetia - Alania
- Perm region
- Magadan Region
- Komi Republic
- The Republic of Buryatia
- Chelyabinsk region.
In general, the republic is in 82nd place, inferior, by the way, to the Trans-Baikal Territory. In terms of the level of economic development, the Republic of Buryatia is a “C” student, and in terms of economic dynamics it is a “B” student.

Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn was born on March 2, 1956 in the city of Glazov, Udmurt Republic. An ordinary Soviet family, with problems typical of that period, but always friendly and cheerful. The boy, like all children, attended kindergarten, and in the summer he visited his grandmothers.

His paternal grandfather, Konstantin Dmitrievich Nagovitsyn, was a decorated veteran of the Great Patriotic War. Back in 1941, he was wounded in the head, but after the hospital he returned to duty and reached Berlin. In 1946, he died of pneumonia. The second maternal grandfather worked in the rear, at a sawmill; Due to an accident, he was left without fingers, so he did not go to the front, but he also did not live to see the birth of his grandson.

When the boy was 5 years old, his father was given a new assignment and the family moved to Uzbekistan, to the garden city of Navoi. During his school years, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn was involved in artistic gymnastics, went to competitions and managed to study well. Maintaining a high level of grades was not easy, because I had to regularly go to training camps, compete and gain knowledge at school. In high school, the young man mastered judo and sambo wrestling. Even then, the future head of the Republic of Buryatia began to cultivate diligence and hard work in himself.

In the fall of 1973, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn became a student at the mechanical engineering department of the Tomsk Polytechnic Institute. Young Vyacheslav mastered the specialty of mechanical engineer. During his five student years, the future head of the region studied and learned a lot.

A special impression of that time remains to this day, and it concerns not the studies at all, but the weather. Having become accustomed to the warm Central Asian climate of Uzbekistan, Vyacheslav almost froze - literally. The first winter in Tomsk began in November and greeted the young student with real Siberian frost.

The parents did not even suspect that such colds could exist and provided their son with the warmest clothes - a rubberized coat, which from the severe frost turned into torn canvas in a matter of seconds. Vyacheslav managed to run in it from the hostel to the institute. Then classmates came to the rescue, borrowing warm outerwear. Then the parents sent the freezing student a real sheepskin coat, warm and heavy. Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn remembered this time as a period of testing human relationships, mutual assistance and love.

As a student, he met his soul mate - Nina. Since then they have not separated. And from then on, he met with his friends from the university every year, with fellow students every five years, remembering moments of strong student friendship, sports life and teachers who gave them a start in life.

The working life of 22-year-old Vyacheslav began as an engineer at the Tomsk Instrument Plant. Over the course of 8 years of work, he rose to the position of shop manager. The young engineer capable of leadership was noticed by the head of the Tomsk Measuring Equipment Plant, where Vyacheslav Vladimirovich was invited to the position of chief engineer. Later Nagovitsyn became the general director of this plant.

Continuous zeal for acquiring knowledge, science, and self-education helped Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn to realize himself from 1998 to 1999 in the position of Deputy Governor of the Tomsk Region for Industry and Entrepreneurship Support. This was followed by a promotion to Chairman of the Government of the Tomsk Region and First Deputy Head of the Tomsk Province. During his three years of service, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich continuously dealt with issues of reforming housing and communal services, the transport sector and industry, contributed to the development of small businesses and collaborated with representatives of the business elite of the Siberian region and the country. Skillfully contributed to eliminating the internal debt of the budget of the Tomsk region.

In 2002, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn headed the coordinating council for the forestry and timber industry “Siberian Agreement”, and also became the head of the coordinating council for the development of human resources in the Tomsk region. He headed the regional tripartite commission for regulating social and labor relations. The hard work and activity of Vyacheslav Vladimirovich did not go unnoticed.

In 2007, Vladimir Putin invited the People's Khural of the Republic of Buryatia to consider Nagovitsyn's candidacy for the post of President of the Republic of Buryatia. A week later, the candidacy was approved. Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn was relieved of his post as first deputy governor of the Tomsk region. On July 10, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich took office as President of the Republic of Buryatia. Five years later, Russian President Vladimir Putin issued a decree approving Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn to the post of Head of the Republic of Buryatia, which he still holds.

Having married more than 30 years ago, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich remains a faithful family man to this day. Together with his wife Nina Vladimirovna, he is raising two sons, a daughter and three grandchildren. His wife is a shareholder of the Tomsk Measuring Equipment Plant. Their sons, Konstantin and Vladimir Nagovitsyn, followed in their father’s footsteps and are members of the management staff of energy companies in Nizhny Novgorod and Novosibirsk.

Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn prefers to spend time on Lake Baikal with his family: his wife, children and grandchildren. There he rests his soul and enjoys fishing both in summer and winter. There is very little time left for sports training, but Vyacheslav Vladimirovich prefers to spend these hours in the home gym and swimming pool. In winter, he prefers skiing in the snowy forest, and the rest of the year - “Nordic walking”. Together with his wife, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn covers 5 kilometers with ski poles in his hands and breathing correctly. And all this for the sake of maintaining health and shape. Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn is an active Internet user. The head of Buryatia still has time to communicate on social networks.

On the eve of 2016, Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn registered on VKontakte and has since maintained his own page, where he talks about events taking place in the region, raises important issues, shares his emotions and, in general, is an active participant in virtual communication.

As head of the region, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich identifies a number of problematic areas and pays the greatest attention to them. Firstly, this is the early preparation of the personnel reserve: Vyacheslav recognizes the need to take an integrated approach to the upbringing and development of children, identify their abilities and develop specific data. Then, profession-oriented schoolchildren must be sent to study at resource centers and engage in dual training.

The head of the region initiated the study of the national Buryat language from kindergarten, because it is at this age that children easily perceive and assimilate information. And soon schools with in-depth study of the Buryat language should appear in Buryatia. Also in the republic, active work is underway to develop the region’s tourism destination, construction of tourist centers and large-scale celebrations on the occasion of national holidays. Vyacheslav Nagovitsyn for the authenticity of the Buryat ethnic group. An important part of the long-term development of the region is the environmental safety of Lake Baikal, which is also being worked on at the highest level. Not a single pressing issue remains without the personal attention of the head of the region.

By his Decree of February 7, 2017, Russian President Vladimir Putin removed the powers of the Head of the Republic of Buryatia from Vyacheslav Vladimirovich Nogovitsyn, in connection with the acceptance of an application for early termination of powers at his own request.