Why swim in a dream? Why do you dream of sailing in a dream book? Why do you dream of swimming quickly on water.

There is hardly a person who has never had dreams in which he swims. Today you can easily sleep with any plot. At your disposal are ancient and modern dream books, among which one of the best is the modern online dream book of Fate.

What does it mean to sail on water in a dream - dream interpreter dream book of Fate

  1. Interpretation of the dream of swimming in clear water: this is a good dream, meaning prosperity and health. Fate will smile on you soon.
  2. What does it mean to swim in dirty water in a dream - to an illness that may be serious.
  3. If in a dream you are swimming in muddy water, the dream book speaks of difficult thoughts and experiences; you will face quarrels and unpleasant proceedings.
  4. In a dream, swimming in the sea means big changes, says the online dream book of Fate; events will come into your life on which your future depends.
  5. The interpretation of the dream is to see yourself in a dream in the open ocean - to experience fateful changes that will literally turn your life around.
  6. If you dreamed that you were sailing at night, in this case the interpretation of the dream in the dream book does not speak about the events themselves, but about their premonition, or about a secret that you will become aware of.
  7. What does it mean to dream of swimming in a river with a slow, calm current - prosperity, upcoming triumph.
  8. Swimming in a lake in a dream - the free online dream book of Fate says: if the water in the lake is clean, such a dream signifies marriage. If the water is cloudy, this means sadness, perhaps separation from a loved one.
  9. Why dream of swimming in a clean pond in a dream - to joyful events, or to a new romantic relationship.

If you dreamed of swimming in water - free dream interpreter dream book of Fate

A dream gives us the opportunity to make otherworldly journeys during our lifetime, and you can find out what a dream means by looking at the modern dream book of Fate. This online dream book has answers to all questions.

  1. What does the dream of learning to swim mean - success in business and high stable income.
  2. If lovers swim together in a dream, this means separation, says the large online dream book of Fate.
  3. What does it mean to dream about swimming in a spring? This is a rare dream. According to the interpretation of the dream book, this is a sign that you need help. You can get what you want.
  4. If you dreamed at night from Wednesday to Thursday that you were swimming on your back in a dream, this means pleasant changes in life, joy, well-being and material benefits.
  5. Why dream of swimming in a pool - according to the meaning of the dream book, a hidden indication of a situation in which you will be involved by other people. These people may be nearby in your dream.
  6. Interpretation of the dream of swimming in a bathtub with dirty water - if you have such a dream at night from Thursday to Friday, it should be regarded as an indication of illness. The bathroom is an intimate area, as well as a zone of sexual relations, therefore, diseases will also concern the sexual sphere.
  7. What does it mean if you dreamed of swimming in a bath with clean warm water - this is a sign of getting rid of illnesses, anxieties, and troubles.
  8. If you dream that children are bathing in the bathtub, then according to the large free dream book of Fate, this is an indication of the relationship between the spouses.
  9. If you had a dream that you were standing in the shower, this is a harbinger of physical pleasures of various kinds.

Swimming in a dream - definition of the modern dream book of Fate: swimming in water

True, we remember some dream plots longer, but dimly and vaguely, as if we were looking through troubled water. But, you need to understand that dreams have a sacred meaning, and you need to more often turn to dream books that provide interpretation of dreams - in them you will find important clues.

  1. What does it mean to dream of swimming naked in clear, clean water - to good health and earthly pleasures, but provided that there were no negative aspects in the plot of the dream.
  2. If you dreamed that you were swimming naked, and at the same time you felt awkward, such a dream foreshadows a bad situation, annoyance or shame.
  3. Why did you have a dream that you were swimming naked in dirty water - this is a bad sign, a dream of a serious illness, injury or accident.
  4. Swimming in clothes - the dream book speaks of conflict situations, a stormy showdown, when you will experience humiliation and shame.
  5. Why dream that you are swimming in a swamp in a dream - get ready for stagnation in business, the death of promising projects, worries and demoralization.
  6. The online dream book of Fate gives the following definition: swimming in a swamp or drowning in it - a dream foreshadows force majeure, troubles of a different nature, problems or a serious illness.
  7. For people doing business, if you dreamed that swimming in a swamp and getting stuck in it - to losses.
  8. Walking through a swamp and swimming in dirty water is defined by the modern dream book of Fate as a symbol of danger, an impending threat. This is a very serious warning.
  9. Swimming in mud in a dream from Monday to Tuesday is a bad sign in a dream, foreshadowing illness. However, an accurate online dream book says that wallowing in mud in a dream means profit, high stable income, which can cause the envy of others.
  10. If you dreamed from Friday to Saturday that you were swimming in the snow with joy and pleasure in a dream, the dream book speaks of enjoying life and prosperity. You have all earthly blessings, so take care of them.

Swimming in a dream according to the dream book of Miller, Vanga, Dr. Freud and the Islamic dream book

Various images come to us in dreams. They can disturb us, or, on the contrary, give us joy, faith and hope. Various kinds of prophecies are given by dreams in which the sleeper swims in water; different interpretations of dreams can be read in dream books. Thus, according to Freud’s dream book, such a dream predicts physical intimacy with a lover for a man, and an early pregnancy for a woman. Vanga's dream book says that the dream of swimming means positive eroticism, because... water is an archaic symbol of female genitalia. Psychologist Miller's dream book promises success in business and recognition from others. And according to the Muslim dream book, it turns out that swimming in cold water is a sign of good health.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream of Sailing in a dream through 5 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Swim” symbol from 5 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

ABC of dream interpretation

Sail on a boat, ship- difficulties and troubles await you, but they will pay off. Continue what you started.

Swim on your own- joy and anxiety await you. If you turn down a certain opportunity, you will lose both. Today you have to make a decision - “to swim or not to swim.”

Drowning - decisively end your relationship with a person you know.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Sailing in a dream?

If in a dream you are floating on a raft or boat down a river- this means that you will soon choose a different direction of affairs, a new path in life.

Seeing geese, ducks or swans swimming on the surface of the water in a dream- portends that luck will return to you, replacing the streak of failures in your destiny.

If you see a large fish swimming in clear water- this portends excellent prospects in business, entrepreneurship and trade.

Ice floating on a spring river- means that your happiness is threatened by envious rivals.

Sailing in a boat with your chosen one on a clear sunny day- this is an omen of an imminent wedding and a happy married life, and if your voyage is interrupted by a sudden thunderstorm, expect disappointment in your admirer.

Sailing in the ocean far from your native shores- unfortunately for close people and a stormy scandal in the family circle.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Sailing according to the dream book?

Sail on a ship, boat- fateful periods of life, changes, are interpreted depending on the type, means of swimming and water (expressed: “life swimming”).

Medieval dream book

Float along a river or stream- to joy.

Sailing in a storm means danger.

Esoteric dream book

Meaning of the dream: Sailing according to the dream book?

It’s good to sail on your own, your path is beautifully trodden, a favorable period for career development lies ahead.

It's hard against the current; fighting the waves- The road is difficult, but quite passable. You'll have to put in a lot of effort.

Feet forward - it seems to you that you are moving forward, but in fact you are standing still, you are conservative and stupid.

Racing with someone- your ambition will destroy you.

With someone nearby - in the group you will be supported and helped by your comrades and well-wishers.

Video: Why do you dream about swimming?

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Did you dream of Swimming, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream about Sailing in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello. I had a dream that I was standing on a wooden pier with two classmates. 1 of them pushes us, and we swim back. But this happened 2-3 times, and at one point I took off my jacket. The last time he pushes us and we float towards a certain building. From the pier he shouts to us, they say, I have a jacket. There we met a man near the building and he offered to help us. We refused. Then I see myself standing on some floor of a very beautiful building and I look into the distance.

    I swam across the pond during the day, the water was clean and transparent, but there were algae in the water itself, and duckweed on the top, which I raked with my hands. I swam for yellow water lilies and white lilies, which I wanted to pick, but didn’t pick. I dreamed of lilies right above the water like a bush, a large white bouquet.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was sailing in a rubber boat through very beautiful places, I was surrounded by a huge amount of calm and clear water with beautiful islands, and on one of the islands there was a castle, but in the dream I called it Tsargrad)) And also on a small island my mother was standing there and seemed to be making sure that nothing happened to me (because in real life I don’t know how to swim and I’m afraid of water) The emotions in the dream were amazing and positive, I had never seen such beauty, and I tried to photograph this beauty on phone camera))) Please decipher it, if possible, I’m very interested)))

    I dreamed that we were swimming in the open sea with a man (for whom I have feelings, but have big doubts about him). The sea begins to get rough, small waves roll in one after another, I hold my breath so as not to choke. Our ship is sailing away from us, we are frantically trying to swim to them (the crew has forgotten about us, people are having fun), and we are all swimming, and I am swimming a little ahead of him. Then they remembered about us and threw away the jet ski, I was the first to get on the ship.

    I dreamed of an unfamiliar man, I was rocking his child in my arms (the child was clean, healthy, cheerful). Then this man and I found ourselves in a small river, floating with the flow (at that moment we were already lovers) It was summer, the water was warm, clear, everything the colors are bright, then I introduced this man to my mother......then I woke up! I never loved in real life as much as in this dream

    My daughter and I were walking, and there was a small stream on the way, but you had to swim to not cross it. She and I swam, although neither I nor she can swim. We swam, the water was cold, and small fish swam ahead. Well, we've arrived. Then we went to warm up. Thank you!

    Hello! I basically had a dream that I was sailing alone, I don’t remember anything else from the dream...
    And then after a while (after about 2 days or the next night) I dream that I am sailing with my loved one. It’s as if we are not completely floating, but lying on something flat and the current is simply carrying us along. We talk, laugh, don’t notice anything around, I just remember that the weather was very warm and sunny. It was very pleasant to be in this dream. This is such a dream.

    Hello! my friends asked me to look after the parrot, they said that it was their child, he was walking down the street but then ran away from me, and I ran after him, a friend drove up to me in a red car. We went by car to pick up a parrot and fell into the swamp. In the car, my friend stayed on the shore, and I tried to swim to the shore. When I swam there were white lilies in the swamp...

    I had a dream that I was first assembling a raft with my father and uncle, I was told to find some screws, I went into a small forest or forest edge and through the edges there was a road along which I collected screws. When I arrived, I began to assemble the raft, we attached a net to the bottom of the raft, I took the reinforcement bars and approached the shore. The river was fast and there was a boat floating on the river with a raft attached to it. I pulled the rope and pulled the boat to the shore. I got into it with my father, and my uncle stood on the raft and I rowed against the current. Because of the strong current, the boat went off course, and my father told me that I was swimming in the wrong direction and I straightened the boat. After which the uncle shouted to his father to get up and throw the rebar into the river at the same time as his uncle. A network was attached to the ormaturins.

    I swam with two sons, one on my back, the other next to me, I swam easily, I knew exactly the city and the goal. Only the roads in front of the city were covered with water, the water ran out and we entered the city, and I always had a phone on which I called my husband, telling where and how we got there, in this city we were supposed to find a book about the history of our family

    I dream that I am on vacation: sea, sand, sun. I feel good, I’m away from the bustle of the city and forgot about all my business. Then I meet an old friend of mine, whom I haven’t seen for a long time (in reality, I don’t know her at all). She begins to say that she has found an amazing man who almost carries her in his arms. I am happy for her and go about my business. Then I see myself talking to some man. It turns out that this is my uncle. He tells me that he met a beautiful girl and shows me a photo of my friend. Just when I wanted to tell him that she was my friend, his phone rang and he was leaving on urgent business. Then it turns out that in the resort town where I am, there was a flood and many streets were flooded. I find some branch and use it to get to my uncle’s house. The outside of the house was very beautiful, made in Chinese or Japanese style. It stood on a hill, so it didn't get flooded. However, inside the house there was complete destruction. There were a lot of mice and some beetles that were gnawing on the floors and walls. And in his office, on the table where the computer used to be, there was a red apple. When I got closer to it, I saw that it was completely eaten away by small white worms. I felt sick and hurried to leave the house, afraid that my uncle would return and find me here. I also wanted to meet my friend as soon as possible and warn her that my uncle is not who he seems. When I found myself outside again, the corpses of animals (deer and dogs) and, it seems, people were floating in the water. In the dream, I thought that the elements had taken everyone by surprise. The water was absolutely clear. I started looking for my branch, but it was nowhere to be found. The branch was thin, arched (I don’t even understand why I needed it, I know how to swim). In general, I stood and decided how to swim away now, and people floated past with the same branches in their hands. In the end, I decided to swim on my own and woke up.

    Last time the dream scenario was slightly different, but the characters were the same. There was no flood, and the house inside was in good repair, beautiful furniture and carpets, and the man who was my uncle in the dream did not seem like a monster to me.

    swim to the shore along the melted river, many people swam, it was hard to swim, first they went to the middle of the river and it melted before our eyes, and when they were about to go to the shore, the river melted and they had to swim to the shore, it looked more like a cliff,

    Hello. I dreamed that they told me I had to swim to the other side and I got scared, thought deeply, and swam anyway, not alone with a girl, it was a warm evening and the water was pleasant, when I started to swim it turned out not to be deep and quickly we swam to the other shore , on the shore, this girl came into the salon and dyed her hair blonde, I told her that I wanted it too, but she was upset and I told her: don’t worry, I won’t put on makeup, we won’t look alike, for some reason she was afraid that we would look alike

If a person is interested in what a vision means in which he had to swim along the river, the dream book will help him figure it out. By looking at several authoritative interpreters, you can find answers to all your questions. Most often, the meaning of a dream in which a person saw a river is positive, but there are exceptions.

Miller's Interpreter

The first thing you should do is contact him. Have you ever sailed along the river? The dream book recommends remembering exactly what it was like. Quiet and calm? This suggests that soon a person will be able to enjoy intoxicating joys, and his well-being will become even better than before. It is possible that new opportunities will appear to realize your potential.

A muddy and restless river, unfortunately, is considered a harbinger of misunderstandings and squabbles. If it has also overflowed its banks, then you should expect troubles related to work. Perhaps something will happen that will damage your reputation. A dry reservoir promises approximately the same thing.

But the most important thing is that a person who happened to swim along a clear river in a dream does not see sunken corpses at its bottom. Since such a turn of events portends a loss of luck and joy.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

According to him, the river is the personification of a person’s vital and sexual energy, as well as his direction in life. This leads to interesting explanations for the vision.

A stormy river, for example, foreshadows a relationship with a person with whom the dreamer will have ideal sexual compatibility. In such a union there will be no place for boredom and monotony - only unbridled passion and ardor. But if the body of water was very calm, even seemingly motionless, a relationship will begin with someone who does not suit the dreamer’s temperament.

But that’s not all that such a dream can portend. The river, which seemed transparent and very picturesque, is considered the personification of independence and freedom. Dirty and muddy streams, in turn, promise troubles and quarrels. The shallows indicate a person’s lack of energy, a difficult period in his life and sexual problems.

Ancient Persian book of interpretations

She is also able to talk about what to expect from a vision in which a person happened to sail along the river. The dream book says that this body of water usually symbolizes a meeting with an influential person. Perhaps she will provide the person with appropriate, and even long-awaited, help that will help improve his life.

If the dreamer managed to cross the river on his own, it means that he will defeat his competitors, opponents and ill-wishers.

Anyone who has choked in a vision and drowned should be wary. This is an unkind sign, which indicates that someone is determined to cause damage to a person and thoroughly ruin his life. Perhaps professionally.

Did you manage to get to the shore unharmed, having coped with the elements? Such a dream is a symbol of liberation, which a person should interpret based on the situation prevailing in his real life at the moment.

But this is not all that can be expected from a vision in which a man had to swim along a river. The dream book recommends paying special attention to the situation when he tried to clean his clothes from dirt and silt by getting ashore. It is believed that such a vision promises deliverance from any sorrows and a solution to all problems.

Noble dream book

This source will also help you find answers to questions regarding why you dream of sailing along the river. The body of water itself is associated with the direction of a person’s life. And if he crossed it, then in reality he will soon be able to fulfill all his intentions. The main thing is not to collide with the shallows. Because it represents obstacles and difficulties that arise on a person’s path, or a lack of strength and energy to overcome them.

If he happened to swim against the current in a dream and at the same time see how the stream carries a lot of rubbish and dirt, it means that an event will soon happen that will provoke a desire to start life anew.

The main thing is that the river does not have a narrow channel. If a person floats along it, then in reality he will have to feel constrained by life’s circumstances, or feel his insignificance. The same can be expected from a vision in which a man crossed a river in a dark gorge, making his way through the stones.

Esoteric interpreter

In it you can also find answers to the question regarding why you dream of sailing along the river. If you believe this interpreter, then this source personifies an emotional barrier that is difficult for a person to overcome in real life. But this is only in the case when he does not dare to enter it and get to the opposite shore. If he swam, then it is important to pay attention to the details.

Water entering his mouth, for example, tells him that he will become an important person. If a person enters the river with clothes on, then in reality he will be able to stand firmly on his feet. He began to drown, but, gathering his strength, he got to land? This suggests that he is destined to become rich. Swimming underwater, only occasionally looking to the surface for a breath of air? One can rejoice, because such a vision suggests that sorrows and troubles will not touch him.

But if he fell into the river and began to swim against the current, it means that in a difficult situation he will be helped by someone who has been an enemy all his life.

Psychological interpreter

What if a person happened to swim along a dirty river in a dream, which was seething and teeming with garbage? It is believed that in the near future, after such a vision, he will decide to take some bold action that can change his life. The main thing is not to fall, otherwise in reality you will find yourself in an awkward situation. If he decided to use a boat or its likeness for this, it means that he will be able to achieve what he wants.

When crossing the river, did the person get hit by waves every now and then? This suggests that in reality it would not hurt for him to learn to immediately pay attention to problems and solve them. If, by the way, at the time of rafting, a log blocked a person’s path, it means that in reality he will find himself in not very pleasant circumstances, but even they will not be able to scare him and spoil the optimistic mood, which is so important when implementing plans.

What does the boat rafting portend?

A modern dream book can tell you about this. If a person crossed the river not by himself, but in company with someone, it means that in real life he will be given a lot of joy by the company of people who adore entertainment. The only important thing is that the boat does not capsize. Because it promises financial ruin and warns a person about the risk of getting involved in a risky but tempting business.

Was the water calm? This means strong self-confidence that a person will not lose for a long time. And you need to follow this feeling, because it only adds to your luck.

Stormy waves, in turn, indicate that a person will have to go through a lot of obstacles before he achieves his happiness. But not when the reservoir is shallow. Crossing a stormy but shallow river warns of frivolous actions that will be regretted in the future.

If the dreamer was sailing in a boat with someone who is his “soul mate,” one can rejoice - such a vision is considered a harbinger of a happy personal life.

Universal book of interpretations

It also wouldn’t hurt to look into it if a person happened to sail on a boat in a dream along the river. The interpreter recommends remembering the weather conditions that prevailed during the boat trip. Was it sunny and calm? This is for success in enterprises, prosperity and joy. Was there a storm brewing and clouds were gathering in the sky? Then you should prepare for failure, poverty and grief.

Was the raging river so wide that no end was visible? This portends a long and interesting trip. If a person was in a boat with someone, then perhaps he will soon change his place of residence.

Another good sign is a vision in which one happened to cross a pond in the company of several rowers joyfully singing funny songs. Such a plot portends success in the business started. But if you happen to sail on a boat along a river in a dream, alone and in absolute silence, it means that a person will move away from the one he considered closest, which he will later regret.

Interpretation for girls

Many women are puzzled after such a vision. Especially if they happened to sail along the river in a dream with a man. In general, this is a good sign, since it foreshadows a harmonious and happy relationship with a pleasant young man. It is possible that they will end in marriage.

A quiet and calm river personifies a leisurely and measured life. And a stormy mountain spring, in turn, foreshadows fateful events. If a girl did not just float along the river, but swam in it and enjoyed the water treatments, it means that a period of prosperity will soon begin in her life. The main thing is that the source is not dirty. Otherwise, you won’t have to expect anything but troubles and debts from such a vision.

Against the stream

A person who has decided in a vision to go against the elements would do well to find out what such a dream means. The river was in full swing, but he swam against the current, no matter what? This plot is considered to personify his struggle for a place in the sun in real life. To achieve your goals, a person will need to try hard.

You should be wary if the dreamer experienced tension when crossing a body of water. How strong it was - so many difficulties await it.

But what if, despite the current, he happened to swim quickly down the river? The dream book interprets this positively. This vision personifies the numerous skills, abilities and talents a person has that will definitely help him achieve his plans. And if he saw himself mooring to the shore, it means that the completion of an important event is nearing.


If a person in a dream, while swimming across a river, got entangled in algae, but was able to get out of it, then he should not worry about his life. In the near future, luck will be on his side, and he will cope with any controversial or unpleasant situations.

If he swam at night, it means that in reality a situation will happen in which a person will feel truly helpless. And he will have to act blindly.

The main thing is not to swim down the river naked. Because this usually portends an awkward situation that could affect the dreamer's reputation.

As you can see, the same vision can have many interpretations. This is why it is so important to pay attention to details and not limit yourself to just one dream book.

Did you dream last night that you were swimming? Have you plunged into the water, which took you into its refreshing and unusually invigorating embrace? Or maybe it was a huge sea or an ocean without end and edge?

Yes? Then we can only envy you. You actually had a good dream. A dream that can bring many positive events, meetings, acquaintances into your future life, and even fulfill your deepest desires.

So, swimming in a dream...

This dream is considered very positive in all respects. Even the most complete pessimists, ready to leaf through hundreds of various dream books and interpreters, are unlikely to be able to find many negative aspects in them regarding this dream.

Firstly, if you are lucky enough to swim in a dream, this indicates that your creative (and, according to some sources, sexual) needs will soon be satisfied.

Secondly, a lot depends on your behavior in the water and on the general impression that the dream left. Swimming confidently and beautifully indicates the right path in life and the successful achievement of your goals. If the water surrounding you was calm and clean, it means that you are guaranteed a measured and harmonious pastime, a peaceful way of life and good health. True, muddy and stormy water, on the contrary, does not bode well. In this case, you most likely should be wary of illness and nervous shock. If you even dare to swim in a storm, try to show more determination and strength of character in reality.

It means an increased likelihood of injury in reality, sometimes even with a risk to life, therefore, having seen such a dream, try to be on the alert for some time, showing extreme vigilance to what is happening around.

What you see or the ocean will not only bring you, but also fulfill your desires. And sometimes it is even believed that swimming in the sea dreams of receiving an inheritance or great mutual love. Great, right? You only need to beware of a dream in which you dive headfirst into the depths of the sea - in reality a very risky undertaking awaits you.

A dream in which the sleeper swims not alone, but, say, with his chosen one or soulmate, is considered especially successful. In reality, this dream promises joyful events, indicates the right choice of a couple, as well as a possible wedding in the near future.

Swimming in a dream confidently and towards a specific goal means successfully achieving your goals, but if you strive, on the contrary, to sail away from something, it means that in real life you will probably be able to avoid an unpleasant situation and meeting.

Dream Interpretations - interpretation passed on to us through many generations. For centuries, people have paid attention to the mysterious implications of night dreams. And modern scientists are not far behind them. For example, the science of dreams - oneirology - also carefully studies the signs seen in dreams. And according to the latest data, swimming across a river or lake in a dream in clothes means the need to find shelter with strong patrons, and if you swim naked, this indicates your firmness of will, unshakable desire to win and peace of conscience.

If in a dream you decide to go on a trip on a small and fragile boat, think about it: perhaps in real life your desires greatly exceed your capabilities, which means that it will be quite difficult to fulfill them.

Another sign that should alert the sleeper is observing an accident on the water. Be careful, most likely you will meet a very insincere person who pretends to be your lover or friend only in the name of achieving his own selfish goals.

So, let's summarize... In general, swimming in a dream is a good and positive dream, according to most interpreters. He comes to us to protect, warn, help and give confidence in our actions and actions. Of course, there are exceptions, but in most cases they are associated with unfavorable circumstances, the elements of nature, or, not surprisingly, muddy or dirty water.

What is in the water indicates potential sources of trouble, scandal or lucky opportunities. Depending on what exactly floated past you in your dream.

If you want to understand what it means to cross a river in a vision, pay attention to where exactly you swam and what you saw on the shore. The dream means that significant changes will soon occur in your life.

Remember what exactly you dreamed about and how events unfolded next. It also matters whether the dreamer himself tried to cross the body of water or sailed on a yacht or ship.

This is how the dream book interprets swimming most often, as well as objects floating past the dreamer.

Swimming or swimming

If you just swim and swim without a specific goal, this means that you will not have precise intentions.

Water, its temperature, transparency, objects and animals in it indicate circumstances or situations in which you will soon find yourself.

Why dream of floating down a river a short distance, splashing or swimming? The dream book writes that your emotions and sensations and environment will change. Evaluate your own feelings and fellow travelers, if any.

Just swimming in a clean and transparent pool, sea, river at a short distance from the shore - leads to a new life situation. The dream book writes that you will experience joy if the lighting is bright, and the pond was at room temperature and was transparent without algae, snakes and unpleasant creatures.

Swimming in it, seeing fish, enjoying life and having fun is a good sign. This dream in reality predicts joy, unless you find yourself in the water wearing clothes other than a swimsuit.

Falling into cold water and floundering, especially in icy water and in winter, is a bad sign. Most likely, you will suddenly get sick with a cold or find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Getting out of the water and freezing means illness. Warming up, changing clothes and drinking hot tea on the shore is good news. In a difficult situation, friends and relatives will lend a hand to you and help you overcome all the unpleasant moments.

In other situations, swimming in clean and clear water is a favorable sign. You will be happy in love, satisfied with the coincidence of circumstances.

Often a woman has such dreams to symbolize a reciprocal feeling, freedom, sexual relationships, and even an early pregnancy if she caught a fish in the water or tried red caviar. For others, a similar dream can predict joy, good news and meetings.

Cloudy water, hot and too warm, dreams of an illness, often of an inflammatory nature. Splashing or falling is a bad sign, predicting a sharp deterioration in the dreamer’s health.

Especially if it contains smelly algae, dead fish or snakes. The meaning of sleep increases when a harmful substance floats in the water: oil or gasoline. These kinds of dreams predict troubles, bad health or bad news for you.

If a child starts swimming in a dirty pond, he may be poisoned or have a dangerous disease. When a teenager swims in muddy water, he will associate with bad company.

Falling into a dirty pond while passing by or saving a person is very bad. You may find yourself in an unpleasant and scandalous situation if you interfere in other people's affairs.

Getting out safely from a swamp or extremely dirty and muddy water is a good sign. Especially if there was a clean spring nearby in which you washed yourself.

When you fall into a pond that is free of pollution and moderately cool, the surprise will force the dreamer to look differently at some circumstances of his life.

A dream in which one dreams of falling into icy but clear water is seen by the sick as a sign of recovery, and by lovers as a sign of sobering up.

Perhaps you will take off your rose-colored glasses and be able to see your loved one as he is. But often the dream dreams of harsh conditions, high performance, sobriety and inner strength.

Goal and means

If in a dream you decide to swim across the sea, ocean or river, focus on the purpose of swimming, the direction, obstacles and how much you can cope with a difficult situation.

If the dreamer plans to sail to the ship, then he needs company, communication, the location of some person. Navigating to such a goal can be easy and unhindered or very difficult or impossible.

If wind, cold or strong currents prevent you from swimming to your goal, then you acted at the wrong time and are losing. If, despite these obstacles, you were able to get on the ship, then, despite the difficulties, your efforts will be crowned with success.

Change your mind, change direction - change your goals in life. If in a dream you began to swim towards the waves and obstacles prevented you from moving further, then in reality you will be defeated.

Getting out of the water means abandoning intentions and plans. If you dreamed that the reason for the failure was a loss of strength, a damaged swimming device, or something else, the reason will be associated with insufficiently good preparation.

Now it's worth considering what exactly you are trying to swim across. A river, stream, stream or pond symbolizes small goals, small achievements, the desire to change life, but not completely.

If you dreamed that you were trying to swim across a river or a small body of water that you could manage on your own, this is a good sign. The modern dream book writes that you can achieve small goals.

But trying to swim across an ocean, sea or large river on your own means that you overestimate your own strength and may incorrectly assess the scale of your goal.

It’s a different matter if you’re trying to cross to the opposite bank using a boat. Here's exactly how you can achieve your goal and how much you can handle it.

Swimming equipment

Their choice speaks of your maturity, independence and readiness to act. While swimming, falling into the water and seeing a log means a lucky chance for salvation.

If it turns out to be a big fish, then there are few ways to get out of a difficult situation. Swimming on your back for a short distance is a pleasure. The Dream Interpretation writes that in such a situation you can not only achieve success, but also not make any effort to it.

If you start diving and watch the underwater world, you dream of it with joy and an unusual impression. Diving down into the water under the ice is a sign of surprise, shock. The dream book writes that such a dream predicts strange circumstances or a sudden insight.

If you tried to get to the other side using a river bus, this means favorable circumstances. You can take advantage of a happy opportunity and find like-minded people.

But often such a dream means a change in circumstances and a change in life, graduation from college or school, a change of job.

If you dreamed of a mountain lake or a stream with sharp stones, the dream means trouble, a rapid development of events. To swim across it is to overcome a difficult situation. Especially if you did it by swimming.

A dirty stream, especially with dead fish, gasoline and other nasty things, dreams of unpleasant circumstances and people. You may have to face an unpleasant event in life and overcome it alone.

Crossing a clear, cold and stormy stream on your own is a good sign. You will be able to cope with all difficulties. Especially if you swam quickly and easily.

When you have tried to swim across a river, sea or lake on your own and have done it, then in reality you will be able to cope with any plans. This means that you do not overestimate your strength and take the right step.

Seeing drowned people around you means you will outperform your competitors. Swimming to the finish line first means victory in a difficult situation. If you sailed on a ship, then this dreams of favorable circumstances.

You will work in a company of like-minded people and will be able to accomplish a lot as a team. Using a raft or mattress to cross means an insecure position. You can achieve success with the help of your charm, but you are unlikely to achieve great results.

Yacht or ship

The boat indicates movement towards an individual goal if you were sailing on your own.

Swimming across the clear sea on it is an intention. Pay attention to where exactly you are trying to go.

If the plot in a dream corresponds to your real aspiration (for example, in life you want to win the favor of a girl, but in a dream you see that you are sailing to her on a boat across a river or sea), then swimming, obstacles, changing paths indicate real obstacles or obstacles.

It’s good if the dreamer can achieve his goal. When you dream that the ship capsized, you fell from the boat or changed your path, the desired will not be achieved. Find out what exactly got in the way.

A large wave or fish, a strong storm are predicted by external circumstances, surprises and obstacles from the outside, an unreliable boat speaks of your vulnerabilities, snags and mistakes.

If you take part in competitions, then the dream book writes that in reality you will strive to beat someone. The interpretation of the dream depends on who reached the finish line first.

Winning is a good sign. And in life the dreamer will be able to become the first. If the boat capsizes or some other unexpected event occurs, you lose. The same thing means a dream in which someone else came to the finish line.

Sail on a ship or yacht on the waves of the ocean or sea - plunge into the atmosphere of life. If you were able to achieve your goal without incident, then in reality you will accomplish a lot. Falling off a ship or getting caught in bad weather means troubles and family breakup.

For men, the dream predicts scandals and quarrels in the house. Being left behind means a cooling of relations. If you didn’t drown and swam to shore, then you can move independently in life.

If you are thrown overboard by your company or colleagues, be wary of being kicked out of the team and fired. Simply sailing across the seas, oceans without a goal, admiring beautiful views and distant islands - to make up for the lack of impressions and happy events. Especially if you liked the water, as well as its inhabitants and sea pictures in your dream.

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