Magical things. How to Choose Your Own Magic Items

Not everyone can become a Master, but everyone can master the everyday magic of the Slavs! Our Slavic ancestors did not do anything for nothing; any object in the house had not only everyday significance, but also magical. The practical application of household magic was learned from childhood. Today in “Northern Tale” we have collected conversations in which Travelers share their knowledge and turned them into a story about magic in everyday life.

Practical application of household magic: home improvement

Magic in everyday life begins with the arrangement of housing. A house must certainly be lived-in, filled with love, light, and warmth. Even in a city apartment there should be a Brownie; the owners turn to him every day, creating simple, everyday magic. And Domovoy should have his own magical place - his home.

Magusha spoke about Slavic magic in everyday life:

“On the topic of “home improvement” I recommend a Belarusian author (in Belarus there are many Old Believers from the north, therefore the patterns, structure of houses, and everyday life have something in common; for example, Svir in the Leningrad region and in the Myadel region of Belarus is precisely what is “related” to - Old Believer settlements ) .

Yanka (Ivan Ivanovich) Kruk - candidate of philological sciences, rector of the Institute of Culture of Belarus, researcher of the traditional spiritual culture of Belarusians. She deals with the problems of reconstructing the Slavic mythopoetic model of the world, the archaic calendar, and the study of archetypes and symbols of Belarusian mythology and folklore. Author of 9 monographs, 15 brochures, more than 1000 articles.

One of his books is “The Golden Rules of Folk Culture.” The final chapter “Man and the world around us: home, household, health and family well-being” reveals the age-old secrets of the construction of the Microcosm of the Belarusians, starting with the choice of a place to build a house, creating and maintaining the symbolism of ritual places in the yard and house and ending with the ritual principles of housekeeping, the basics of protecting and preserving the spiritual and energetic principles of man.
The book is written in popular language and is full of quotes from folklore. Belarusian ritual symbolism is compared with the rituals and traditions of other Eastern Slavs.

And I’ll tell everyone about how to revive our typical apartments and dachas. The most important thing is Hearth - on the one hand, it is the relationship with Domovoy (we have information on this on our website), and on the other hand, it is the element of fire! The Kupala holiday is coming soon - collect some coals from the fire and store it all year round in a clay pot, this will become a talisman for the hearth, it can also be used in healing and witchcraft; near the stove (preferably above the stove) place in a small bowl amber, peridot, jet, aventurine (these are stones that support the element of fire) or a stone with the Semargl sign. It is important to have a table at which all family members can fit freely, and you can place at least 3 dishes; if the kitchen is not large, then place such a table in the room; the table should be covered with a tablecloth; the table in the house and the altar are a ritual place, a symbol of family and prosperity, then how you collect food and what kind of food you put on the table, with what spell words and feelings-images - this is how you tell the Gods about your life.

The bed is also important, the whole ancient “outfit” of the bed from valances, blankets, bedspreads has a protective meaning - spouses need to sleep on a common mattress, guests cannot even sit down, the bedspread needs to have protective signs, the pillows are different (oh, pillows - that’s what that it protects our dreams and can help with headaches); what to do when you sleep on the sofa in a one-room apartment? - after guests, clean the sleeping area with a whisk of seven radiant herbs, sprinkle some water, lay out new bed linen and sew it yourself, or order a patchwork bedspread from a good craftsman, for example, or embroider the signs of Perun in the corners on the inside of a regular one. The house should have threads, needles, buttons in a special box - this is at least a small woman's belongings that fill the house from the inside. It’s difficult to manage doors and windows properly in an apartment, so use amulets, and remember: when you clean the house, you also need to fill it.”

Women's magic in everyday life: a magic needle

Needles were previously used in the everyday magic of the Slavs for various kinds of divination and fortune-telling. Being sharp on the one hand and made of metal on the other, they could be both dangerous and protective, depending on the circumstances and methods of use.

A needle stuck into the door prevented evil navias and sorcerers from entering the house. People loved to throw bent and twisted needles into healing and wish-fulfilling wells and springs, and it seems they still do, because at their bottom you can often see completely new, rust-free needles.

It is usually considered good luck to find a needle on the ground, but only if you pick it up immediately. In some regions this is only good if the point is pointed away from you. If it is directed towards you, you must leave the needle in place, because picking it up means “taking on grief.” There is a sign that an unmarried woman should not pick up a bent, clouded or rusty needle from the ground, otherwise she will die unmarried. The presence of a sharp tip makes the needle a bad gift between friends, unless something is given in return.

In some places it's not even good to borrow them. However, this is quite safe if the giver or lender does not pass the needle from hand to hand, but invites them to “help themselves.” Many sailors don't like to have them on board because the needles can cause hull leaks or break fishing nets.

Of course, in the everyday magic of the Slavs, needles are also used for protective embroidery. For this purpose, the craftswoman has her own needle, with which she constantly sews. The more often you use such a needle, the more power it has. An embroidery needle can be metal or bone, like they were in the old days.

Brass needle for household magic from the Northern Fairy Tale shop

For rituals and magic in everyday life, they usually choose a metal needle, a new one that has not yet been sewn. Needles are used in many cases: to protect the house, to remove evil spells (sometimes to cast them, it is useful to know about this, but you should not perform such rituals), in love magic. Needles are also used in healing. In this case, the needle often takes on the person’s illness, after which it is broken or buried in the ground (sometimes both). That is why for such rituals they take a new needle each time, so that the disease does not go to the person who previously sewed it.

Household magic of a comb and comb: divination on hair

For every woman, a comb used to comb her hair can be a magical object. In the old days, before magic, the braids were necessarily untied, and the hair was combed with a bone comb. Hair divination was part of the simple, familiar everyday magic of the Slavs.

The girls had their own magic comb, which they used to comb their hair so that their hair would grow long, strong, and enhance their beauty. Even an ordinary comb, much less a magical, enchanted comb, was never given to another woman, so as not to give away beauty and happiness. The women knew about this, which is why they themselves never asked for someone else’s comb.

A woman can be given a magic comb by her husband, and then he himself will comb her hair. This ritual of joint divination on hair helps to preserve love and harmony in the family for many years. Girls who had not yet met their betrothed used a comb to tell fortunes: they combed their hair before going to bed, and put the comb itself under the pillow so that they could dream about their future husband.

A bone comb for divination on hair is not given into the wrong hands

If there are objects of power in the house, are there objects of powerlessness?

Not only items that bring happiness are found in the house. Unfortunately, today many people do not know about this, so they keep items that take away both health and luck.

About what items should not be kept at home, we we'll talk about it in a free webinar e. Come visit! You can watch the recording of the webinar at any time.

An attribute of a magical operation is a consecrated material object-symbol that has only spiritual meaning...

Any object of magic is a conductor of spiritual power - both the Spirit of the Magician and the spiritual influxes of the Divine Worlds are concentrated on it.

An instrument of magical operation is a consecrated material object that has both spiritual and astral power. The instrument can come into contact with other physical objects and cause spiritual, astral and physical changes in them.

The drug of a magical operation is a consecrated or unconsecrated material object, which initially (or after the act of consecration) combines spiritual, astral and physical properties, and one or the other may predominate. The drug combines a hyperphysical effect on the body with a biological one.

All tools, attributes and preparations are made, acquired and consecrated by the Magician personally! Not a single item belonging to the above categories can be accepted by him as a gift, as payment for his work, or transferred by a third party. The only exceptions are items of undeniable spiritual value, personally known to the operator.

In general, every object consecrated by the Magician, used by him in a magical operation, is a symbol and object of the implementation of the power of the Magician, the fulfillment of the Will of God and the will of the Magician. Therefore, such objects are sacred and their desecration always entails the most severe incarnation punishment. These are the words of renunciation of a dying Egyptian. They contain the true Fear of God: “O Spirit with a flaming face, who slowly goes into darkness: I have never taken what belongs to the gods!”

So, let's study the attributes, tools and preparations used.

ATTRIBUTES, INSTRUMENTS AND PREPARATIONS 1. Sacred Book 2. Book of Powers, or Book of Spirits 3. Magic Rod and Magic Wand 4. 5. Sacred Sword 6. Hermetic Scalpel 7. Condenser 8. 9. Stimulating, neutralizing and harmonizing allopathic drugs. 10. . 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Pentacle

I also named several objects whose presence in the adept’s laboratory is not imperative. These are the instruments and attributes of Ceremonial Magic.

An instrument used exclusively during acts of Sacred Therapeutics. Its counterpart in the field of Ceremonial Magic - the sacrificial knife - is notorious as one of the main weapons of Satanism. And indeed it is.

Therefore, in the book “God and Satan,” formulating the main laws of spiritual discipline for the Magician, I wrote: “Do not shed sacrificial blood! Two sacrifices before God: love - carry it in your heart; and wisdom—comprehend it by the Spirit.”

Animal sacrifices that take place in the rituals of High (Sacred) Magic, although they significantly increase and accelerate the practical effect of the operation, adversely affect the most important thing - the spiritual qualities of the operator.

The Main Law of Inner Harmony and Strength: do no harm! Therefore, according to the Laws of Esoteric Spiritual Law, an adept of Sacred Magic should not perform ritual sacrifices of living beings.

So, we have made it clear: the sacred knife and the sacrificial knife are not synonymous. What is the purpose of the instrument after the rite of consecration has been performed on the blade?

First, with a sacred knife, after completing the treatment, the adept destroys the capacitor. Secondly, with the help of this instrument we cleanse the patient’s body of demonic creatures - larvae. The sacred knife is also used during mass acts of ritual hypnosis - when destroying a common capacitor. In each of these actions, which are imperative for the success of the treatment, the function of the sacred knife is indispensable.

The cup in which the condenser is placed is an instrument of Sacred Therapeutics, for its influence is both astral and spiritual.

Of course, before use, the cup undergoes preliminary consecration; and it is desirable that it be made by the Magician himself or by his order - by a skilled craftsman.

The materials are clay, cast iron, copper, bronze, silver, gold... In general, from the point of view of the ideal hermetic position, a sacred metal should be made, which is also the metal of Mercury - as you already know, it is an alloy of the seven main planetary metals. However, the participation of gold in the alloy (in equal proportions with other metals) makes this standard option difficult to implement.

Everything that has been said so far applies only to cases of individual treatment.

When an adept with the appropriate authority carries out a mass act of Sacred Therapeutics, both the material for the cup and its very role are different.

In cases of mass treatment, according to the Laws of Sacred Therapeutics, the bowl in which the general condenser is located should not contain metals.

The collective will must flow freely, without encountering any obstacles on its visible or invisible path; it flows freely through the walls of the corresponding vessel and through them fills the condenser...

If your patient is not in a specific position, which is only possible in cases of individual treatment (when his hands rest directly on the bowl, palms down), then the disease, instead of getting inside the condenser, will remain on the metal walls of the vessel - due to their high hyperphysical density and activity .

Therefore, the materials that we use to create the collective cup must allow the free penetration of will through them. It is not difficult to determine this - these are all natural (non-synthetic) substances that freely transmit light. For the human emotional will is created from the same particles that make up light, only of a more delicate, conscious nature.

The most convenient ones here are: crystal, rock crystal, natural ornamental transparent and translucent stones, glass, etc.

Alopathic medicine bowl

This cup, from which the patient takes the allopathic drug, is an instrument and must be consecrated. The materials for it are copper, silver or gold. The bowl's capacity should not exceed 200 g of liquid. The standard of capacity can be taken as ordinary water, since almost all allopathic substances are made based on water or have a similar density.

When consecrating the bowl, it is necessary to keep in mind the position of Venus, the Moon or the Sun - depending on the chosen material.

Consecration must establish a strong, both symbolic and practical contact between the attribute and the positive force of the chosen luminary.

Censer, brazier for smoking

A censer or brazier for smoldering incense is primarily necessary for the practice of Sacred Therapeutics: after all, as stated earlier, during an act of Ceremonial Magic, the Magician burns herbs on the fire of the altar, throwing them into the sacred flame. Of course, the instrument has a wide application: when it is necessary to carry out an act in specific natural conditions, in a place where the altar cannot be moved.

A censer or brazier, which is the same thing in Magic, is a special clay vessel with a metal grate installed at the bottom. The type of wood appropriate to the occasion is burned on it to hot coals.

The magician casts an incense spell and throws a pinch of fragrant substances onto the burning coals, corresponding to the forces that are addressed during the operation.

The smoking stand, which sometimes replaces the brazier, is used for those specially prepared incense that smolders on its own, burning out gradually.

In this case, you can use some types of Indian so-called incense - having previously accurately established their composition and the presence of the necessary components in it. Of course, such incense is necessarily sanctified.

For the stand, a copper or silver plate is used, on which smoldering herbs are placed. The plate must be covered on top with a conical funnel, preferably made of the same material, but in no case made of lead, iron or tin. Mercury metal is very good for smoking - it is fused in equal proportions from seven components.

A writing instrument is a consecrated instrument of Ceremonial Magic, used to inscribe and secure the signatures of the Magician, the patient, the Angels and Spirits subject to the Magician. It is indispensable during Confession, when the text of the confession, synthesized from the confessional letter of the penitent, and then dictated to him by the Magician, is written down by the patient on consecrated or virgin paper and, after he reads this document three times, is sealed with three signatures: the Magician, the patient and the astramental factor. The entire instrument consists of seven multi-colored pencils, separately blessed, an inkwell and quill pens for writing. All these items must be completely new (not previously used by anyone) and consecrated in accordance with the ritual of Sacred Magic. The colors of the pencils correspond to the seven planetary colors: Sun - gold Moon - silver Mercury - a mixture of six colors in equal proportions or gray Venus - green Mars - red Jupiter - blue Saturn - black Pencils are used to draw planetary signs and names of forces belonging to the planets. They are not necessary for the Sacred Therapy operation. It is desirable that all items that make up the writing instrument, including ink, be made by the operator himself.

During the Act, natural candles made of pure beeswax are used. Their number varies depending on the complexity of the disease and the method used: from three (the usual number) to nine (the act of Sacred Therapy turns into an act of Ceremonial Magic).

Another five and seven candles are used.

List of magical items from the Dungeon Master Guide D&D5 in Russian and English.

Artifacts can be filtered by:

  • name
  • rarities

Displaying Magic Items

By default, items are displayed in the form of cards, where basic information is visible and you can see a description of the item by clicking on the “show/hide description” at the bottom of the card. This type is convenient for printing. There is also an option when the text is displayed immediately - in the filter panel in the "View" drop-down list, you need to select the "Text" item.

Hiding Magic Items

The item card can be hidden from the general list by clicking on in the upper right corner of the card. In this case, the magic item will disappear from the general list and its name will be displayed at the very bottom of the filter panel. If you click on the name, the item will return to the general list.

Securing Magic Items

Magic item cards can be pinned - in this case they will be displayed at the very top of the item list. To pin, click on in the upper left corner of the item card. When a spell is assigned, it does not disappear from the general list. If you click on the "Pinned Spells" heading, the pinned cards will hide (so as not to get in the way). Locked spells are not affected by any filters.

Isolating Magic Items

To do something creepy with several item cards at once, you can select them by clicking on them while holding down the key. In addition, the +[A] key combination will select all cards, or remove the selection from all cards if they are already selected.

Once the cards are selected, you can do the following in bulk:

  • Change the font size of item text. The font size for everyone will be the same as on the card on which you press Plus or Minus to change the font size.
  • Change the width of cards. Buttons in the menu will change size only for the selected cards, or for all, if there are no selected ones.
  • Pin/Unpin cards. When you click on the lock icon All selected ones will be assigned to any card. The same goes for unpinned cards.
  • Hide the cards. When you click on the eye icon All selected ones will be hidden on any card.

Printing items

If there are pinned items, then only those will be printed.
If you want to print items, the best way to do this is through Chrome (easy-to-use print settings). To do this you need:

  • press the key combination +[P]
And, if everything suits you, click the “Print” button, or:
  • In the window that appears, click "Advanced settings"
  • select fields "Personalized"
  • drag the fields with the mouse so that the cards are normally distributed across the sheet (remember that the printer usually prints with margins; if you make the margins too small, some of the cards may be cut off during printing)

If you have questions or suggestions - .

In Slavic divination, magical objects were used, the miraculous purpose of which is difficult to guess at first glance. A comb, a spindle, a mirror... a towel, a needle, a thread... It's surprising, but such objects of magical rituals still surround us and can become our assistants in sorcery. We talk about the use of magic items here.

Magic items: women's knife

Magic item, forged knife for Slavic rituals

A magical item, a woman's knife can be used as a protective item during rituals. For example, when casting with wax, when removing negativity or any magical effects.

You can read a protective spell and draw 3 circles around yourself with this knife at three levels of the body (silver, copper and golden kingdoms in the human body according to Slavic traditions): first we draw at the level just below the navel, then the second circle at the level of the heart and the third at the level of the head . In this way, we protect ourselves from the influence of others and from the possibility of taking someone else’s negativity upon ourselves.

You can also use a protective knife as a means of energetic protection if you are going to difficult business negotiations, an exam or an inevitable meeting with an unpleasant person. It is enough to draw one protective circle and call on your Chur for help (for example, saying “Chur me!”). In this case, it is better to take a knife, an object of magical rituals, with you. Just remember to hide it from prying eyes!

Setting up an object for magical rituals, a knife, for yourself

To set up a magical item, we will need: a bowl of water (water element), a handful of salt (earth element), a candle (magic of candles, fire) and incense sticks or radiant herbs for fumigating the room (air element).

We light a candle and incense, throw salt into the water. First place the new knife in a bowl of salt for a period of 3 hours to 24 hours. We take it out, lightly moisten it with water, mentally or out loud we turn to the elements with a request: “Water and Earth, cleanse the knife from other people’s energies and bestow your strength!” Then we take out the knife and hold it several times over the candle flame, with the magic of candles we turn to the element of fire: “Sacred fire, cleanse my knife and give it your power.” Then we fumigate the knife with incense smoke, turning to the element of air.

Magic items must be adjusted to yourself before work

We take the knife in our hands, place it between our palms, hold our hands at the level of the heart center, and close our eyes. We breathe deeply and with each inhalation and exhalation we imagine that a light stream of internal energy emerges from the heart into the palm, which fills the knife, attuning the magical object to its owner (or owner). Next, we look at the sensations: as soon as you feel that the knife has become energetically “warm”, the adjustment can be considered successful. If there is a magical altar or mini-shrine in the house, you can put the knife on the altar on a sunny day for a male knife (fill with the energy of the Sun) and at night for a female knife (fill with the energy of the Moon) for final charging. But this is no longer such a mandatory point.

Customizing a magical item, a knife, using Slavic Rez Rod

After cleansing the knife with four elements, on the table, on the altar, on the temple, or simply on a clean window sill on a board or tablecloth for fortune telling, we lay out two Rezas: on the left Reza 2 Makosh, on the right Reza 5 Veles, the knife is placed between them for several hours or all night . Then we make adjustments in the palms as described above.

Where can I find magic items?

Objects of magical rituals gain power over time, remember their owner, and over time give up their power in the ritual. However, it is better if the magic item is originally made by hand, by a kind craftsman with pure intentions.

We try to collect just such magical items in the Northern Fairy Tale magic shop. For example,

Not only children are fascinated by all kinds of magical objects. Even an accomplished adult can regret in his heart that he does not have a magic wand or some other miracle that can solve pressing problems. There is nothing easier than completely denying magic, but it is much more interesting to understand and understand what exactly is worth believing.

Witchcraft as a profession

In ancient times, every self-respecting ruler certainly had a sorcerer among his courtiers. Christian priests also fell into this category, as the only “specialists” in stopping all kinds of magical machinations.

People's fascination with mysticism has not gone away over time - and now in almost every city or town there is a psychic, a witch, or at least a classic grandmother who heals with spells, tells fortunes, and removes damage. Magical objects play an important role in this: a mysterious crystal, a book. Miracle-working icons also fall into this category.

Magical items from myths, legends and fairy tales

In most cases, we are talking about dreams in which pressing problems are solved without much difficulty. Walking boots or a flying carpet will deliver you to the right place, a self-assembled tablecloth will feed you, in which case a ring will provide insurance, invisible servants, a genie from a jug and a frog princess.

It is important that almost every nationality has such tales, so it can be argued that this is a universal human quality, to dream that any problems will be solved not by hard work, but by special objects. techniques that are not limited by the harsh framework of the fundamental laws of the universe seem to be an ideal tool for achieving personal goals.

In this case, one can conditionally divide the sorcerer’s arsenal into categories, classify and organize it, reality and performance can be ignored, the analysis will turn out to be hypothetical.


If we consider magical items by power and style of use, then it is worth mentioning artifacts. How are they different from all other objects endowed with magical powers?

There are two diametrically opposed points of view, each of which can be considered correct.

Suppose we are talking about a mirror. If this is an artifact that accumulates the power of the universe, then it is most likely a sleeping object that works on the principle of a discharge battery. It is not used for utilitarian purposes; people do not dress up for a ball or touch up their makeup near it.

But if it is an aggressive artifact that drains life force from living beings, it would be more logical to regularly place a source of energy in front of it. This echoes the practice of sacrifices, which were often used specifically to recharge artifacts.


An item of magical properties related to an artifact - which often has “personal settings” for the owner. Modern manufacturers insist that it is handmade work and customization for the future owner that makes it possible to create truly working magical objects in this category.

Thus, the amulet can be spontaneous or specially made for specific purposes. In different practices, this item can be used either to achieve certain goals, or as protection against magical attacks. At the same time, amulets, like artifacts, are intended for some narrow purposes; only magic tools with a wide profile - a wand or a ring - can be considered universal.