Mom had a dream that I was pregnant. Pregnant mother in a dream

Dreams about pregnancy are often interpreted positively; in rare cases, they warn of danger or trouble. Did you dream that your mother was pregnant? The dream book will give a detailed interpretation of the dream.

The interpretation is made taking into account the events occurring in the dream, as well as the emotions caused by the vision in the dreamer.

Women's dream book

For a young girl, a dream in which she learns that her mother is pregnant foreshadows great mutual love. She will get married soon.

Seeing a pregnant mother in a dream, upset and crying, means sad news, troubles in the family and at work. The dreamer should prepare for future problems and not plan anything.

If the dreamed pregnant mother is over 40 years old in reality, then such a dream promises monetary profit and good luck in all matters.

A pregnant mother who comes to a girl in a dream with a gift warns her about the fuss and empty troubles associated with the arrival of uninvited guests.

Velesov's dream book

Did you dream that your mother was pregnant? Veles's dream book interprets this vision as follows: a dream where the mother talked about her own pregnancy warns the sleeper about receiving pleasant, good news.

The dreamed mother, joyfully stroking her large round belly, warns the dreamer about the fulfillment of long-conceived plans and the resolution of problems.

Why does a pregnant mother dream? For a woman expecting the birth of a child, sleep means a successful completion of pregnancy and an easy birth. If an unmarried young girl saw such a dream, then an interesting acquaintance awaits her, which can develop into a strong relationship.

Family dream book

Depending on what sensations the sleeper experienced, the dream is interpreted. A pregnant mother, evoking positive emotions in the dreamer, warns him of an imminent addition to the family. If the sleeping person is not married to anyone, then such a dream speaks of the birth of a child from one of his close relatives.

A dream where a pregnant mother begins to give birth speaks of the emergence of new ideas and plans that the dreamer can implement in a short time. New acquaintances will help him with this.

Esoteric dream book

A meeting in a dream with a pregnant deceased mother warns of future illnesses and problems in the financial sphere. The dreamer needs to take care of his health and not make rash purchases.

A dream in which a pregnant mother asks for help suggests that the dreamer has begun to pay little attention to close relatives. He needs to meet with them more often and provide them with all possible help.

Why do you dream of a pregnant mother judging the sleeping person? Such a dream suggests that in order to achieve a set goal, a person needs to make efforts, otherwise all efforts will be in vain. You should not rely on the help of friends and acquaintances.

Seeing a pregnant mother in a situation dangerous to her health means the collapse of hopes and disappointment. If the dreamer helps her and protects her from enemies, then in reality failures will bypass him. If the sleeper suffers while protecting his mother, then soon he will face a clash with real enemies and envious people, from which he will emerge defeated.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Hugging a pregnant mother in a dream and rejoicing at the upcoming birth of a child means harmony and peace in the family. If at the same time the dreamer touches the mother’s rounded belly and feels the baby moving, then he will soon have an heir.

Driving a pregnant mother out of the house or quarreling with her means a quarrel with your loved one. The sleeper does not need to be too biased towards the other half.

Why do you dream of receiving news that your mother is pregnant? The wanderer's dream book explains this vision as follows: news about the mother's pregnancy, heard in a dream, foreshadows fateful changes. Moreover, they can be both positive and negative. If in a dream a person is happy about the upcoming birth of a brother or sister, then everything in his life will change for the better. If the news about the mother’s interesting situation causes negative emotions in the sleeping person, then he should be prepared for trouble.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream that your mother is pregnant? Miller's dream book interprets the dream as follows: a vision of the mother's interesting position speaks of the subconscious desire of the sleeper to feel maternal care. He needs support from his mother.

Fear caused by news of the mother's pregnancy indicates the sleeper's unpreparedness for adult life. He is not yet ready to take responsibility for his own actions. However, the dreamer should reconsider his life principles, otherwise he will lose the trust of loved ones.

Looking forward to the birth of a sister or brother means an irresistible desire to move forward and carry out your plans. There will be no obstacles for the sleeper in achieving his goal. But he should focus on the task at hand, otherwise all plans may go to waste.

Anchor points:

If mom was pregnant

good sign. It promises new ideas, wonderful beginnings, positive changes in life. You can also expect big profits. For your mother, the dream marks the onset of a bright period. She should try herself in a new business.
If your Mom in real life is expecting a baby, – then the birth will not be difficult. If you yourself are in a position right now and you had such a dream, your baby will be born healthy and everything will be fine.
In a dream, seeing a pregnant mother and experiencing joy means a new relationship that will bring happiness. Seeing your mother pregnant and regretting it means you lack attention and warmth from the opposite sex.

Even though she's not pregnant

In your life the “white stripe” begins. Perhaps you will experience career advancement or success in your business. In any case, you will definitely have new ideas that will produce results. Such a dream for mom- this is a sign that everything can start all over again.

My daughter dreams

Such a dream portends joy for both the daughter and the mother. The spiritual and material side of life will improve. Expect good changes in your destiny.
The dream is also interpreted as a symbol of femininity and foreshadows success with the opposite sex.

Son dreams

If you saw a pregnant mother - to material gain, a successful deal. Another meaning of the dream is that the son lacks reciprocity in relationships with the female sex.

Pregnant with a girl

Mom was expecting a girl– such a dream is a harbinger of some miracle – that’s what our ancestors said. Something very good and bright awaits you. A new period is coming, filled with joy and fun. Now you won’t have to worry about the financial side either.

  • The most common interpretation of dream books says that a person will be able to accomplish everything he has planned, since circumstances will contribute to this.
  • A pregnant mother can also mean that the dreamer will soon have an influential patron who will help him achieve his goals. Moreover, changes can affect not only family life, but also career.
  • Another version about such dreams is material gain. Most often, seeing your mother pregnant promises an unexpected influx of capital (this could be an unexpected inheritance, winning the lottery).

Detailed transcript: seeing your mother in a dream as a pregnant woman

Much depends on how old your mother is in reality and other factors that can be learned from sleep.

  • Most dream books interpret such a vision as a harbinger of success in any business that you would not undertake at the present moment.
  • If in reality your mother is expecting a baby, then such a dream means that her birth will be easy and almost painless.
  • It is important to consider the general atmosphere of sleep. For example, if he was strange and restless, then one should not expect material well-being. on the contrary, your financial affairs may deteriorate so much that you will reach an almost desperate situation.
  • Seeing your mother give birth means that you will have to experience many difficulties before you complete the work you started.
  • It also happens that a person dreams that he was giving birth to his mother. This is a rather favorable sign, which foreshadows meeting a reliable person who could potentially become your life partner.
  • If in reality your mother is not in a delicate position, and you saw this in a dream, then you should talk to her, since this is a favorable time for her for new beginnings and the implementation of ideas.

Other dream interpretations

Most interpreters agree that the mother, as the dearest person, is unlikely to bring problems to the dreamer in real life. But still, to correctly decipher your dream about a pregnant mother, you should carefully weigh the information from the most reliable dream books.

  • Miller writes that the appearance of a mother in a dream foretells success and positive results in any endeavor. This is especially true for entrepreneurship.
  • Talking to her means that the dreamer will soon receive a lot of pleasant news that could potentially help realize what he started.
  • Vanga’s dream book states that a mother in a delicate position is dreamed of as a symbol of a happy family life for the dreamer.
  • If a woman is sad or even crying in a dream, be prepared for major quarrels in the family. Because of this, it may even collapse, but since you received a warning in advance, you will have time to prevent difficulties.

To be fair, it must be said that such dreams are quite rare. Most often, a pregnant mother is seen by children who are expecting the birth of a brother or sister. Psychologists consider this a subconscious manifestation of jealousy. For older people, seeing your mother pregnant in a dream may mean reluctance to have children of your own or fear of doing so.

Why does a pregnant mother dream? When you see a pregnant mother in a dream, this means that from now on you must remain very careful in all your actions and not make rash decisions, even ones that at first glance seem of little significance for your life.

Why does a pregnant mother dream - Freud's dream book

If you dream of a pregnant mother, this may mean that your relationship with another person is just coming to an end and, despite your efforts, you will not be able to save them, and if in reality you are currently alone, then this is an expression of your loneliness and a signal that you lack attention from another person.

When a pregnant mother appears in a dream, it is related to your life and emotional state. If in reality you are not the only one in a serious relationship, then it is possible that you feel very lonely and you want to finally fall in love with reciprocity.

Why does a pregnant mother dream about her daughter – Miller’s dream book

The dream book interprets a dream in which a daughter dreams of a pregnant mother as a sign that your feelings have weakened, and your marriage is no longer what it was at the beginning. If you want to save this relationship, you must try to find in yourself and in the other person the motivation to fight and rekindle the old passion, but there is no guarantee that, despite the many efforts you make, you will still be able to stay with yourself.

Why does a pregnant mother dream about her dead mother – Vanga’s dream book

The dream book believes that if you dream of a deceased pregnant mother, this is a positive sign for you, as it foretells that some unexpected, but very pleasant event for you, will soon await you. It is also possible that you will learn something that will amaze you, in all likelihood, in the good sense of the word.

If in a dream you are standing next to your deceased pregnant mother, this means that success at work or other important achievements related to some other area of ​​your life awaits you.

Why dream that your mother is pregnant - Nostradamus’ dream book

When you dream that your mother is pregnant, it means that soon you will be able to implement some important plan of yours or realize a dream that has taken a lot of effort to bring to life.

And if you cook with your pregnant mother, this may portend that
you will break up with your partner, or your relationship with someone you care about will deteriorate.

Why does a pregnant mother dream about her son - Hasse’s dream book

A dream in which a son dreams of a pregnant mother should be interpreted as: a sign that you understand that in reality your intentions are very risky, despite this, you are not going to change them. Your determination and perseverance in pursuing your goal may be admirable, but in this case, it will most likely not benefit you, because, most likely, you will not be able to avoid defeat and it will turn out that it was better not to risk it and give up from this plan immediately.

Anchor points:

Every dream that you remember very clearly must mean something. And it’s not for nothing that so many books have been published on the interpretation of dreams. Therefore, you should treat your dreams more carefully and remember various details and events that will be important for solving them. In general, a dream about pregnancy carries something completely new for you in life, family or work. In this case, strong changes await you. But if you suddenly saw a pregnant mother in a dream, then you should definitely listen to the definition of your dream.

Why can you dream about your mother’s pregnancy?

So, if you dreamed of a pregnant mother, then you can easily expect something new and very good in your life. You will be able to accomplish absolutely everything you have previously planned, without any delays or problems. Absolutely all circumstances and various events in life will only help you. It is also possible that you will meet some patrons who will help you achieve your goals. Moreover, such changes can concern not only the professional side of your life, but also personal issues.

A dream in which you saw a pregnant mother, promises you big profits or a very significant purchase for you, such as a car or an apartment. A dream about a pregnant mother may portend a girl’s growing up, or she may experience the same pleasant event in the near future. If a girl does not currently have a lover, then soon she will meet a very caring and affectionate companion with whom she will share her life.

Direct interpretation. Dream = event

Of course, in some cases, a dream about a pregnant mother may mean that you will soon have a little brother or sister. Such a dream can be interpreted more accurately based on the age of the mother. If the mother is really pregnant, then the dream can be explained by an easy and quick birth for her. This dream may also mean that your mother is a very energetic person and will be able to take on any task without fear.

As you can see, your mother's pregnancy in your dream can mean very different events that will soon occur. To better understand your dream, you should approach this issue carefully, remembering every little detail from the dream. It is this approach that will allow you to most accurately interpret your dream and find out why you had it and what it will lead to.