Lesson on speech development topic. Summary of a lesson on speech development "Winter" Summary of a lesson on speech development winter

Tatiana Boychuk
Summary of an open lesson on speech development on the topic “Winter”

Open lesson summary in the senior group development of speech on the topic"Winter".


Activate the dictionary on the topic " Winter";

Consolidate and systematize previously studied material on the topic " Winter";

Learn to choose words, antonyms and synonyms;

Learn to form singular and plural nouns;

Learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes;

Through motivation, improve children's activity at class.

Equipment: Snow Maiden doll, magic box, cards with images of objects, illustrative material, snowballs.

1. Introductory part.

In order to concentrate attention before starting classes in the reception area there is an emotional mood for class. The guys, holding hands, affectionately call each other by name.

They are part of the group.

Educator: Guys, let's look out the window, what do we see there? What's the weather outside? What time of year is it now? (children's answers).

Educator: Today the Snow Maiden came to us and brought many interesting tasks for you. The snow girl wants to find out which of you knows the most about winter. For each correct answer she will give a magic snowflake, and at the end classes the smartest and most resourceful will receive a reward from the Snow Maiden.

2. Main part.

Educator: Now we’ll see what tasks are in the magic box?

The child is invited to take a card with the task.

First task "Questions".

What's happened winter?

When it comes winter?

What winter months do you know?

How does the sun shine in winter?

What is the sky like in winter?

What trees are there in winter?

What happens to rivers in winter?

How do people dress in winter?

What poems do you know about winter?

How do birds and animals behave in winter?

What winter fun for children do you know?

Finger game "Snowman"

Come on buddy

be brave, my friend,

Roll your snowball through the snow -

It will turn into a thick lump

And the lump will become a snowman.

His smile is so bright!

Two eyes... a hat...

Nose... broom.

But the sun will burn slightly -

Alas! - and there is no snowman.

The next child takes out the second task card.

Second task “Choose”.

From a set of pictures, children need to choose pictures and objects that correspond to winter.

Third task “Select, name, remember”.

*You need to choose an adjective for the noun, For example: person – good, evil, fat, etc.

- Cold winter, snowy, frosty, long...


*You need to choose a verb for the noun, For example: a person walks, dances, writes...

Snowflakes - falling, curling, spinning, shining, melting...

Children in winter -

The next child takes out the fourth task card from the box.

Fourth task. “Which one?” (For example: wooden table - wooden).

Snow slide -

Ice path -

Frosty weather -

Weather with wind -

Visual gymnastics "Snowball".

Take snowballs in your hands,

And look at them.

Now pick them up

Up, look at them.

You will lower the snowballs down,

And look at them again.

Snowball to the right, Snowball to the left.

“Draw” the circle skillfully.

The snow is close, in the distance,

Look carefully.

This is the kind of snow we have,

Smile at him, buddy.

Quickly, quickly you blink,

Now get into the game.

Children take out the fifth card from the box.

Fifth task "Say it the other way around".

In summer the days are hot, and in winter -

In summer the days are long, and in winter -

In spring the ice on the river is thin, and in winter

Some icicles are long, while others are

The snow is soft and the ice is

Sixth task "Call me kindly".

*You need to form a noun with a diminutive suffix. For example: man - little man...

Snow - snowball


3. Final stage

Educator: The magic box is empty, all tasks are over. Well done, you did a great job. Now let's count who earned how many magic snowflakes. The one who has the most will receive medals from the Snow Maiden.

Educator: Guys, it’s time for the Snow Maiden to say goodbye to us. After all, there are still many children with whom she wants to stay. Well, we will be waiting for her next year with new interesting tasks

Publications on the topic:

Summary of an integrated educational activity for speech development in the senior group on the topic: “Winter” Educational area. Cognition, reading fiction.

Summary of an open subgroup speech therapy lesson in a preparatory group for school on the topic: “Winter”. The goal is to enrich the active vocabulary.

Program content: Teach children to come up with simple phrases; learn to retell the text of a poem without the help of a teacher; learn.

Summary of a lesson on speech development for the middle group “Winter has come” Summary of a lesson in the middle group on the topic “Winter has come.” Goal: to develop the skill of writing a descriptive story. Objectives: develop skills.

Objectives of the lesson: Generalization and systematization of children’s knowledge about winter; Activation and expansion of children's vocabulary on the topics “Winter”, “Winter fun”.

Program content:

  • consolidate ideas about the main signs of winter;
  • exercise children in selecting epithets for words;
  • to develop children’s ability to compose a story using reference pictures;
  • practice agreeing nouns and adjectives in gender and number;
  • consolidate the correct declension of nouns in the genitive case;
  • strengthen the ability to answer questions in complete sentences;
  • develop coordination of movement coordination with speech;
  • develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  • consolidate the isolated pronunciation of the sounds S, Z, Sh;
  • develop thinking, attention and memory.

Equipment: support diagram for selecting epithets, snow in a bucket, snowballs on a plate; cones, cotton swabs; paper snowflakes on a metal spreader, a diagram of a story on the theme “Winter”, a picture for comparison “Two Snowmen”. DVD disc “Lessons of Aunt Owl - Seasons”, audio recording of a blizzard, CD disc “Finger gymnastics”.

Speech material:

  • Snow (what?) – white, soft, fluffy, light, sticky, sparkling and etc.
  • Winter (what?) – frosty, cold, blizzard, blizzard etc.
  • Snowflakes (what?) – ... (white, light, shaggy, fluffy, beautiful, transparent, cold, etc.)
  • Who can you see in the winter forest? - ... (hare, wolf, squirrel, bullfinch, etc.)

Snowfall, blizzard, snowdrift.

Organizing time.

Children, we have guests today. Let's say hello to them, but let's do it in a special way so that our guests remember such good children.

Communication game “3hello”.

Hello, palms! Clap, clap, clap (clap your hands 3 times).

Hello legs! Top, top, top (stomp your feet 3 times).

Hello cheeks! Plop, plop, plop (lightly pat the cheeks 3 times)

Hello sponges! Smack, smack, smack (shaking head).

Hello, my nose! Beep, beep, beep (stroking the tip of the nose).

Hello, our guests! (stretch their hands forward).


Introduction to the topic:

The teacher asks you to guess the riddle:

“If the angry wind swirls,
The puddles glazed over overnight,
And they packed me
In a hundred clumsy clothes,
On the trees, on the eaves
Lace and fringe,
This means - on snowflakes
Has descended upon us... (Winter)”

Guys, look who's hiding? You see? How did he get here, what should he do now? Ask him why he is here, not sleeping?

Little Bear: “Mom told me that in winter I should sleep.

But what happens in winter, I want to know

Will you help me?"

Guys, let's help the bear cub find out what happens in winter?

Watching a video clip with a picture about winter: DVD “Lessons from Aunt Owl” First, we will see what Aunt Owl says about winter. And you, bear, sit down and listen. (Watch a video - a cartoon about December)

What time of year is on the screen? ( winter)

How did you guess? Children name what they saw

What's winter like? We expose the drawing ( frosty (Fig. 1), cold (Fig. 2), blizzard (Fig. 3), blizzard (Fig. 4))

4. Finger gymnastics:

Little Bear asks: What is snow?

Guys, look what I brought from the street. What is this? What kind of snow? Touch it. It's cold outside and the snow is cold. My fingers were frozen.

Let's warm our fingers with our breath (blow - say X-X-X)

Our fingers were not warm. Let's rub them (self-massage).

We'll take the cones in our hands
Let's rub our hands
Teddy Bear - Mishka,
take a bump too!
Let's take the feathers in our hands
And we'll spend it quietly

(alternate cones and feathers).

Bear will show you his way to warm your fingers (Massage the points on the fingertips with cotton swabs.)

Let's scoop up some snow on a saucer and see: What kind of snow? ( white, soft, fluffy, light, sticky, sparkling).

5. Breathing and speech exercises What is snow made of? From snowflakes Snowflakes (which?) - ... (white, light, shaggy, fluffy, beautiful, transparent, cold, etc.)

To the clearing, to the meadow
A snowball is falling quietly.
The snowflakes have settled down,
White fluff.

Paper snowflakes fall to pieces

If snow falls quietly, slowly, what is this phenomenon called? ( Snowfall) This is what a snowdrift turned out to be.

But suddenly a breeze blew,
Our snowball started spinning.
Snowflakes are spinning
White fluff.

The wind is blowing, the snow is flying, spinning. (Children blow) What is this phenomenon called? ( blizzard, blizzard) Let's listen to how the blizzard howls. I turn on the sound recording with the howling of a blizzard.

We talk together with the children:

Old, gray-haired, with an ice stick,
Blizzard hobbles Baba Yaga.
The blizzard howls: “3-z-z-z-z-z.”

(With increasing sound, slowly extend your arms forward)

The forest groaned from the blizzard: “Mm-mm-mm.” (Quietly, in a high voice.)
The Oaks groan heavily! M-mm-mm-mm.” (Loud, low voice.)
The birches are moaning Mm-mm-mm.” (Quietly, in a high voice.)
The spruce trees make noise: “sh sh sh sh-sh-sh-sh.”
The blizzard subsides: “S-s-s-s-s-s.

(hands smoothly lower down)

6. Comparison of two snowmen. What can you sculpt from snow? (Snowman.) Look, (there are two snowmen on the poster) two snowmen were made in the clearing.

A bear cub stood on its hind legs by the river
In front of him are snowmen: snowy ones and in hats.
Mishka looks, he is quiet: but what is different about them,
He can't understand. Who will help him?

Let's take a closer look, are they the same? What is the difference. Whoever finds the difference will attach a snowflake to the board. How many snowflakes, so many differences (children find the difference and name it). - This snowman has two buttons, and this one has one, etc. At the end, count the number of snowflakes.

Physical education lesson “Let's play snowballs”

Guys, what are snowmen made from? From lumps, snowballs

Let's play in the snow too.

Disc with finger exercises “Let's play snowballs”

7 .Let's play the game "Tell me which one"”:

Target: exercise in matching nouns and adjectives, development of gross motor skills.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher asks a question and throws a ball (snowball) to the child:

- (Sasha), what snow? (white, cold, loose)

- (Nastya), how cold is it? (strong, crackling, angry)

- (Marina), what kind of snowflake? (beautiful, small, delicate)

- (Vika), what snowman? (big, white, cold)

- (Nikita), what kind of mittens? (warm, wool, blue)

- (Vika), what kind of ice? (cold, transparent, beating)

8. A story about winter

But so that you, Little Bear, don’t forget about winter, the children will tell you about its signs. And the pictures will help the children so that they don’t forget anything. (A drawing of a story about winter is laid out on the board. Children make up a story.)

In winter the sky is gray. The sun is shining, but it does not warm. There is snow in the winter. A cold strong wind is blowing. The trees are bare. The hare put on a white fur coat, now the fox and wolf will not see him in the snow. The bear sleeps in a den. People dress warmly. Children ski, sled, and make snowmen.

9. Summary. Teddy bear: Yes, now I know what winter is like. Thank you. And for the fact that you helped me, I will treat you to snowballs, that’s how many I made.

Guys, is it possible to eat them? Why? ( You can get sick)

The little bear was upset. Don't be upset, our guys know the magic words of Frost. Now we will pronounce them and see what happens.

Play it out, blizzards!
Bend lower than the pine, spruce!
Everything that is in my forest
I'll fall asleep and bring it in!

(snowballs turn into sweet ones)

Thank you guys. This is Masha, she wrote a good story, this is Vova, he answered in complete sentences, etc.

And thank you, Mishka, it’s time for you to go to the forest, go to sleep and sleep until spring. Come visit us again.

Used materials

  1. Cartoon SEASONS with Auntie Owl. Educational program for children from 2 to 7 years old. DVD, Creative Association “MASKS”
  2. Sounds, voices and noises of the surrounding world. Nature, birds, animals, village. Audio CD.
  3. Finger gymnastics. Audio CD.

In the middle group

Target: development of coherent speech.

Educational objectives

Summarize ideas about winter phenomena in nature.

To develop the ability to carefully examine the characters in a picture and answer questions about its content.

Expand your vocabulary on the topic: “Signs of winter.”

Developmental tasks

Development of dialogical speech.

To develop in children the ability to logically structure their statements.

Develop imagination, thinking and visual attention.

Develop memory.

Develop gross motor skills.

Educational tasks

Develop the ability to listen carefully to the story of the teacher and your comrades.

Cultivate a love for nature.

Equipment: painting by M. Pishvanova “In the Winter Park”; envelope; snowflake, subject pictures “Seasons”.

1. Org. moment:

Children gather in a circle on the carpet. The teacher brings in an envelope.

Educator: Children, when I went to kindergarten today, I met the postman. He gave me the letter. Now I'll see what's in it ( takes out a snowflake from the envelope).

Educator: What is this?

Children: Snowflake.

Educator: What time of year do you think sent us the snowflake? Select this time of year ( pictures of the seasons are laid out on the table: children choose).

Children: Winter.

Educator: What color does winter like?

Children: White.

Educator: That's right, in winter everything is white, because the snow covers the trees, bushes, and fields.

2. Game: “Snow Field”

Educator: Look, all my pictures are mixed up. Find pictures that relate to winter.

(Children choose and cover a “snow field” with pictures.)

Child 1: In winter, children go skiing.

Child 2: In winter we celebrate the New Year holiday.

Child 3: In winter there is snow on trees and houses.

Child 4: A winter bird, the bullfinch, arrives.

Child 5: In winter, children go sledding.

Child 6: In winter you can see snowflakes.

Child 7: In winter, children make a snowman.

Educator: Well done. Now, let's turn into snowflakes.

Spin around, spin around

And turn into a snowflake.

Now, I will blow on you and you will fly away to your chairs.

(Children sit on chairs.)

3. Conversation based on the picture.

Educator: Who is in this picture?

Children: The picture shows children.

Educator: Where did they come?

Children: They came to the park.

Educator: What is the girl in the blue cap doing?

Children: She is making a snowman.

Educator: What is the boy doing?

Children: He is skiing.

Educator: What does the girl in the red jumpsuit have?

Children: She has a sled.

Educator: Who came with her?

Children: Dog.

Educator: What time of year is it in the picture?

Children: Winter.

Educator: Why do you think so?

Children: There is snow everywhere.

Educator: What kind of snow?

Children: White, fluffy, cold, wet.

Educator: Right! Well done!

Now let's play in the snow.

Physical education minute:

One two three four children walk in place

You and I made a snowball. make snowballs with your hands

Round, strong, very smooth imitate movements

And not at all sweet. they shake a finger

Once - we'll throw it up, jumping up

Two - we'll catch you squats

Three - let's drop incline

AND…. we'll break it. stomp

(Children sit on chairs.)

Educator: Listen to a story about how children walked in a winter park.

The picture shows winter. Snow lies on the ground and on the trees. The children came to the park. The boy is skiing. A girl in a blue cap is making a snowman, and a girl in a red jumpsuit came with a sled and a dog.

The children in the picture are cheerful and joyful. They love to go for walks in winter!

Educator: Did you like the story? Who wants to repeat? (Repeat story one - two children.)

Summary of the lesson. Assessment of children's activities.

Summary of a general lesson on speech development

Theme: "Winter"

(Preparatory group)

Correctional educational tasks:Clarify and expand your understanding of winter and its signs.

Clarify and activate vocabulary on the topic, learn to answer questions, compose sentences, select feature words and action words.

Improve the grammatical structure of speech, learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

Correction and development tasks:

Develop visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic awareness, memory, fine and gross motor skills, breathing and coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational tasks:

Develop skills of cooperation, goodwill, and self-reliance.

Equipment: story pictures depicting winter fun, a “snowball”, snowflakes on strings, a tape recorder, “melted snowflakes”, felt-tip pens for each child, cards with images of wind and snowflakes, cut-out pictures.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment

Guys, do you want to know what we are going to do today? To do this you must solve riddles.

Strange star What a ridiculous person

Fell from the sky, made your way into the 21st century?

I have a carrot on my palm, a nose, a broom in my hand,

She lay down and disappeared. Afraid of sun and heat.

(snowflake) (snowman)

The invisible artist is transparent like glass

Walking around the city: You can’t put it in the window.

Will brighten everyone's cheeks, (ice)

Everyone's nose will be pinched.


The cold weather has set in, He flies in a white flock

The water has turned into ice and sparkles as it flies.

Long-eared gray bunny He melts like a cool star

Turned into a white bunny. On the palm and in the mouth.

The bear stopped roaring - (snow)

A bear hibernated in the forest.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen?


Have you guessed what we will talk about today in class?

2. Conversation about the time of year

Name the signs of winter.

What day is it in winter?

What night?

What can you say about snow?

What kind of ice is there?

List the winter months.

What month does winter start from? And it ends in what month? Which one is in the middle?

What is winter like?

Guys, let's go to the winter area.

3. Finger gymnastics: “We went for a walk in the yard”

One, two, three, four, five, (Bend your fingers one at a time.)

We went for a walk in the yard. (“Walk” with their fingers on the table.)

They sculpted a snow woman (“They sculpt” a lump with two palms.)

The birds were fed crumbs (“They crumble the bread” with all their fingers.)

Then we rode down the hill, (Run the index finger of the right hand along the palm of the left hand.)

And they were also lying in the snow. (Put their palms on the table, first one side, then the other.)

Everyone came home covered in snow. (They shake off their palms.)

We ate soup and went to bed. (Moves with an imaginary spoon; hands under the cheek.)

4. Exercise “Snowflakes”

While we were walking, it began to snow, and real snowflakes flew to us. Look what they are? (use of adjectives).

(Snowflakes hang on a thread.)

Do you want our snowflakes to spin? You need to blow on them. (Slowly take in air through your nose. Don’t puff out your cheeks, stretch out your lips with a tube and blow on the snowflakes.)

The speech therapist makes sure that children do not raise their shoulders while performing the exercise. Repeat the exercise 3-5 times.

5. Didactic game in a circle

“Pass the snowball, say words and actions”

In winter, the weather outside varies. Either there will be a snowstorm, then there will be severe frost, or there will be snowfall. I will ask you questions, and you answer

Frost (what does it do?) - crackles, pinches, bites...

A blizzard (what is it doing?) - curling, raging, howling, sweeping... .

Snow (what does it do?) - goes, flies, falls, spins... .

Children (what are they doing?) - walking, riding, playing, having fun, being happy...

“Pass the snowball, call the words affectionately”



Snowman - snowman,

Snegurka - Snow Maiden. (Oh, what a cold lump! Let's warm up!)

6. Physical exercise.

We'll warm up a little

We'll clap our hands

Let's stomp our feet,

And let's give ourselves a pat.

Firecrackers in pairs.


Everyone is very, very happy

There will be skis and skates,

There will be sleds and snowballs.

Well done! Are you attentive to me?

7. Game “Which word is the odd one out?”

I will name the words. They are similar, but one word is different from the others. Name the extra word.

Skating rink, shawl, skating rink, skating rink.

Skis, skier, cobblestones, skier, ski track.

Snowball, snowflake, gentle, snowman.

Well done!

Oh guys, look what's on my table?

Take one picture for yourself.

8. Game “Snowflakes and the Breeze”.

We will now divide into two teams: “snowflakes” and “winds”.

A strong wind is blowing shhhh..., snowflakes are spinning to the music.

9. Drawing up a cut picture.Write a story based on this picture.

Guys, the wind blew so hard that our winter pictures broke into fragments, they need to be collected.

The snowflakes team collects one picture, and the breeze team collects another.

After you collect the pictures, you will need to compose a story from them.

Independent storytelling based on pictures.

10. Development of fine motor skills “Complete the snowflake.”

Guys, have you noticed that our snowflakes have begun to melt?

What needs to be done to make snowflakes beautiful again? (Complete drawing).

Well done!

Anyone who wants can give them to guests.

11. Summary of the lesson.

Our lesson is over.

Remember what we talked about in class?

What did we do in class?

What did you like?

Assessment of children's work.


CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW THE NOUNS: winter, cold, wind, snow, snowflake, snowball, snowfall, snowman, ice, floe, icicle, blizzard, blizzard, drifting snow, cold, pattern, crust, frost, snowdrift, thaw, hoarfrost, cereals, flakes , drops, sleds, skis, skates, skating rink, ski track, snow woman, fur coat, sheepskin coat, down jacket, felt boots, mittens, mittens, hat, December, January, February.

ADJECTIVES: cold, frosty, snowy, shiny, crunchy, crumbly, sticky, wet, white, clean, fluffy, windy, sunny, patterned, crackling, strong, transparent, icy, icy, light, wintery, sparkling, hard.

VERBS: came, goes, falls, spins, freezes, covers, falls asleep, sweeps, freezes, howls, makes noise, drips, shines, draws, flies, melts, falls out, curls, freezes.

Snow is white, fluffy, light, sparkling, cold...
Winter is cold, harsh, frosty, windy...
Frost..., ice..., blizzard..., snowflake...

December January February.
December after November and before January.
January - …
February - …

In winter, people wear...(hats, fur coats...).
Winter brings...(snowfalls, frosts...).
The water froze on...(rivers, lakes...).
I like to ride in winter...(sleighing, skiing...).

Snowy - a lump, a town, a whirlwind...
Snow - woman, mountain, veil...
Frosty..., frosty..., frosty..., icy... .

Winter - winter, frost - frost, snow - snow, ice - ice, snowdrift - snowdrift, snowstorm - snowstorm...

How did you notice the onset of winter?
Name its first signs in nature.
Winter months.
Habits of animals and birds.
Winter fun and entertainment.


CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW THE NOUNS: winter, snow, snowflake, snowball, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, snow woman, ice, skating rink, skates, sled, skis, slide, fun, Christmas tree, holidays, garland, tinsel, balls, star, confetti , gifts, holiday, joy, fun, games, carnival, round dance, masks, calendar, firecrackers, cones, snowdrift, snowball, hockey, stick, puck, competition.

ADJECTIVES: cold, frosty, joyful, snowy, shiny, colorful, cheerful, crackling, festive, New Year's, patterned, crispy, fluffy, icy, sad, silvery, motley.

VERBS: walks, steps, spins, draws on the windows, covers, dances, has fun, rejoices, lights up, flares up, throws, throws, descends, creaks, runs, overtakes, falls, shakes off, freezes, sticks, stings, pricks.

Christmas tree (what?)……
Holiday (what?)…..
Christmas decorations (what kind?)…..

For a hockey player - a stick, a puck, skates, a rink, a goal...
To the skier -...
To the skater -...
Gorke - ...
To the snowman -...



"There is a lot of snow in the city park in winter. Snow lies on the ground, on benches, on tree branches. The guys went to the park. They built a snow fort there and began playing snowballs. One snowball fell into the feeding trough. The boys noticed that it was empty. They "They took the seeds out of their pockets and poured them into the feeder. And from another tree two squirrels were looking at the boys. The boys prepared nuts for them. It turned out to be a fun and useful walk."

-Where is the snow?
-Where did the guys go?
- What did they build?
- How did the guys start playing?
- Where did the snowball fall?
- What did the boys notice?
-What did you feed the birds?
- What did the boys prepare for the squirrels?
- What kind of walk did the guys have?


"It was winter. Vanya was walking from kindergarten. He was carrying a gingerbread in his hand. The boy did not notice how he dropped the mitten and the gingerbread. Vanya came home - no mitten, no gingerbread. Where are they? And at this time the sparrows flew into the gingerbread, pecking they chirp. They've already eaten all the gingerbread and started pecking at the mitten. Vanya looks out the window at his mitten and thinks: “What a warm bird feeder it turned out to be.”

-Where did Vanya come from?
- What was he carrying?
- What didn’t Vanya notice?
- Who pecked the gingerbread?
- What did Vanya think?

* Name what wintering birds you know.