Why do you dream about saving? Why do you dream of saving according to the dream book?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about saving in a dream?

Being saved from any danger in a dream means troubles that will cause you minor damage.

Saving others in a dream is a harbinger that your good deeds will be appreciated.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

If you save someone, victory and glory await you. To work as a rescuer - your ambition requires an outlet. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Success in business.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Success in business.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Why does the dreamer dream of Saving?

Victory awaits you. Imagine that the saved one thanks you and gives you a nice gift.

Great Encyclopedia of Dreams by O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about Saving according to the dream book?

If you yourself saved yourself from some kind of danger (flood, fire, war, just a fall, hypothermia, etc.), then you will avoid trouble or sacrifice something for the sake of others. If you were saved in a dream, then in reality your relationship with those who saved you will become more complicated. You will have to pay dearly for something (more likely in moral losses than material ones). If you saved someone, then in reality they will answer you for your kindness with black ingratitude.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

Dream Interpretation to save

Why do you dream of saving a person? Not everyone is capable of such a heroic act in reality, but an unusual dream makes you think.

Probably everyone at least once in their life has dreamed of saving a person from death, only rarely when the dreamer turned to a dream book for help.

Why such a plot?

As the dream book prescribes, saving someone from death is the first sign that you could use help in achieving certain goals. However, you should not decipher the picture you see so unambiguously, since obtaining the correct interpretation is only possible if you examine the dream in detail.

Help an animal in a dream

You will have to remember every little detail, starting with who you decided to help - a loved one, a stranger or an animal. The effort expended to save someone will be reflected in the further interpretation.

Save a Stranger

Why dream of saving a stranger? Freud’s dream book says that such a plot reflects the sexual subtext of the subconscious, which should be listened to. If you understand that somewhere you have seen the face of a man or woman who has been rescued from trouble, then in reality an interesting sexual experience awaits you.


You may have a dream in which you had the opportunity to save a stranger from death, and it will turn out to be a favorable symbol for people trying to achieve some heights in life. If you start working hard, not giving up in the face of difficulties, then within a short period of time you will be able to achieve what you want. The main thing is to draw up a rough action plan, increasing your own effectiveness with each subsequent step. Ultimately, moral satisfaction will increase self-confidence and give new strength.

Dreaming of helping a girl

As the dream book describes, saving the life of an unfamiliar girl is another attempt to assert oneself at the expense of the people around him. You will have to understand that this strategy of behavior is not correct, because even those closest to you will begin to turn away from you. Those around you will be able to understand what you are up to and will try to make every effort to prevent your plan.

For a lonely representative of the fair sex, the rescue of a beautiful stranger is a reflection of the urgent need for a happy marriage and motherhood. According to another interpretation, she wants to have a child, but her attempts are unsuccessful. Dream interpreters say that the birth of a baby will help cope with family depression and disharmony that has appeared in relationships.

A girl who sees a young guy saving her from suffering most likely experiences a lack of male attention and care. Thus, the subconscious is trying to give a signal about what is happening. The unbearable loneliness in which the dreamer is mired can only be eliminated through a new relationship.


You will have to restore in your memory the image of the one you decided to save:

Dreaming of saving a child

  • dreamed of extending a helping hand to a stranger - you anticipate an improvement in your financial situation and do not know how to cope with such pleasant excitement;
  • helping your own child - you feel awkward for starting to pay too little attention to upbringing.

Having received a lot of money, you must learn to manage it rationally, otherwise it will only bring harm. The same advice can be given to young parents who do not understand the basic rules of behavior with the younger generation.

By trying to protect a small child from dying in his sleep, you will be able to prevent a big disaster in the life of a loved one. The main thing is not to refuse help, since even a simple hint will allow someone else to get off the ground.

As the dream book describes, saving a child from the elements of water means it’s time for you to learn to show your own emotions and share them with others. The subconscious is once again trying to push you to take the first step, and you need to listen to this. If you start supporting someone, you will immediately find your happiness and experience the taste of life.

Pulling a child out of water in a dream

Dreaming of knowledge in which you manage to save a small child from the water means unprecedented success in a new field. Such a dream is favorable for entrepreneurs, as it predicts the conclusion of a profitable contract.

If a man made every effort to save a newborn child from death, and then saw a happy smile on his face, then he will be able to achieve the financial stability that he has been striving for over a long period of time.

An animal can also save a person from death in a dream. Seeing a wolf pull strangers out of the water means you will be able to get rid of your own fears and phobias that are hindering your development. Dream interpreters note that this will not be so easy, and therefore it is worth preparing for the tests. Very soon an event will occur that will forever change the idea of ​​the current reality and will allow you to direct attention to your future.

Save a loved one

Having asked why you dream of saving loved ones, you can come to the conclusion that each formulation is unique.

Helping your brother in a dream


It is important for a person who dreamed of saving his brother to understand that such a plot is good. The dream book says that the reason for the appearance of such a dream is associated with positive changes in life that can forever change the current routine.

When you have such dreams, you can count on receiving real help in difficult times from your family and friends. If you understand that the situation cannot be resolved, then it is better to immediately contact knowledgeable people, abandoning improvisation.


A young man who has prevented the death of his beloved in a dream must understand that sexual dissatisfaction awaits him in real life. It is important to determine the true reason for the changes, since the future of the new union may depend on this.

Having seen the appearance of coldness in the partner’s behavior, it is necessary to take emergency measures to obtain other emotional reactions.

Prevent the death of your beloved in a dream


Saving a loved one is a bad sign, indicating that a dark streak may come in the relationship. One of the partners will have to experience the unpleasant consequences of a serious illness, and only love and support will help to cope with the difficulties. Only true faith will allow you to continue the fight to the last.


I had a dream in which you saved your own mother - your gratitude to her is boundless. If the son saved his close relative from suffering, then in the foreseeable future you must prove in practice the importance of her own actions.


Dreaming about saving my son

TOwhat does it mean to dream of saving a person from death?, so dear and close to your heart - you are in serious danger. In such dreams, as a rule, a warning is given, because a person is on the verge of life and death. Only his own actions can prevent the danger looming over him, and therefore it is so important to remain extremely vigilant and careful.


As the dream book prescribes, saving a person from death is a symbol that may turn out to be prophetic. The rescued person is in real danger, and it will be connected not only with his health, but also with possible natural disasters. If you feel something is wrong, it is better to protect your spouse from a trip or an unexpected meeting. Your support will be of great importance in difficult times for him.


Pull your father out of the water in a dream

Seeing your father drowning and rushing to his rescue is a manifestation of heroism. Such a dream shows that you are capable of anything to achieve your goal. The Dream Interpretation does not advise seeking approval from other people, as they can negatively affect your self-esteem. Only your own judgment should play a primary role in making decisions.


Saving your uncle in a night dream means a sense of duty to a loved one.
Perhaps a sense of duty and obligation has settled in your soul, which you just can’t get rid of. The subconscious will not allow itself to be deceived, and this must be remembered. If you understand that you are wrong, then it is better to immediately take the first step and provide free help.

Save the animals

Why do you dream about saving animals? The dream books describe various plots in detail, and therefore you will have to remember the dream in all its details.


According to interpretations written in popular commentaries, saving a dog is a symbol of the help that you will have to provide to your friends and colleagues in the near future. The dreamer must understand that he has a great responsibility, and therefore it is better to protect himself from mistakes.

If they ask me what good I did, it’s better not to advertise it. The fact is that a person in need of help will not have such a sweet time if he is burdened with obligations that lead to the development of severe depression.

Dreaming about rescuing a puppy

The appearance of a puppy in a dream is due to a number of problems that have befallen the close environment of the sleeping person. He should have no doubt that his help will be needed. The dream book focuses on the fact that you will have to have a hand in what is happening, otherwise you yourself will soon become a victim of a similar problem.


It is believed that birds symbolize peace and truth, and therefore their salvation will mark the defense of their point of view. However, you must understand that no argument is worth a personal relationship, and therefore it is better to stop before the boiling point of both opponents is overcome. In addition, you will have to understand that your point of view is not the only correct one, and you must come to terms with the fact that not everyone will like it.


Why did you dream about saving cute kittens? Such a plot will tell you that at the current moment in time there are financial problems in life, but you should not despair ahead of time, because they will soon end. By opening your heart to reality, you won’t even notice how profit and prospects will come into your life.

According to another interpretation, saving small cats is a harbinger of good news that will help you get out of a difficult life situation. If you begin to fully control the financial sphere of your life, then many difficulties will be overcome without even noticing them.

Help kittens sleep

If you have to save an animal that reluctantly comes into your hands and resists, leaving bite marks and scratches on the skin, then, according to popular dream interpretation, words of support from other people can play a cruel joke.

Having wanted to help a loved one in real life, the dreamer, without realizing it, will give him even more difficulties than there were at the very beginning. Dream interpreters are in no hurry to reassure you, since the moments you experience will leave unpleasant memories that affect the relationship.

During the deciphering process, you will have to remember the color of the cats' fur:

  • red - to gain joy and happiness;
  • white is a symbol of humility and tranquility, which is not always enough for a sleeping person;
  • black - to financial problems caused by competitors.


Helping a goldfish in a dream

For pregnant women, saving fish will mean a high risk of losing the baby. The subconscious is trying to give a hint regarding a negligent attitude towards one’s own health. As soon as you feel any atypical symptoms, you should immediately seek help from your doctor, and then the problem can be easily avoided.

For representatives of the stronger half of humanity, saving a goldfish can mean quickly achieving your goal. Dream Interpretations note that fate was favorable to the desires of the sleeper, and therefore the plans conceived will be implemented exactly on time. You will be pleasantly surprised by the result, as it will certainly exceed your expectations. If the rescued fish with golden scales did not survive, then the interpretation has the opposite meaning.

Dreamed of saving dolphins


The presented mammals are considered one of the smartest, and therefore it is so important to understand why they decided to appear in a dream. This plot has been interpreted by many dream books, and most of them predict disappointment regarding one’s own actions. Most likely, your deepest hopes will not come true, and the projects you have started are doomed to failure. You have only two options for developing the situation: complete resignation or a change in tactics. If you start using new techniques and patterns, you will very soon live the way others only dream of.


Rescue of a large predator is considered not a very good sign for married ladies. Interpreters often come across disappointing interpretations regarding the appearance of another woman in family life.

The problem is that a beautiful stranger can lure your spouse, and he will leave you without a livelihood. If you don't start changing your behavior pattern with your man, the breakup will happen faster than expected.

Seeing a horse saved in a dream


It is believed that saving a horse is a symbol of disputes in which you will have to defend your point of view. The literature says that you will have to prove that you are right, otherwise your opponent will make you pay for your softness. One’s own principles must be expensive, and this must always be remembered. Victory in the dispute will leave a certain imprint on the future.

On a note

Having figured out why you dream of saving a person or animal, it should be noted that a black streak is a temporary phenomenon, and the likelihood of its occurrence depends on your own action or inaction. If you saved a friend in a dream, then trouble will pass you by, but do not relax ahead of time.

Helping a close friend out of a burning home means making a profit. For aspiring entrepreneurs, salvation from the water element will be a symbol of future trials. Experts say that obstacles will constantly appear on the way, and only fortitude will help to overcome them.

Dream Interpretation by David Loff Rescue
In rescue dreams, are you the savior or the person in need of rescue? If you save others, you may see yourself in the role of a HERO, parent, or mentor. Who are these others, what are you saving them from and with what? The answers to these questions will give you the opportunity to understand the role that you assign to yourself in a certain system of relationships. If you are being rescued, you may be feeling depressed or incompetent in a certain area of ​​your real life. It seems to you that the consequences of any miscalculation can lead to a fatal mistake. If your savior is a person you know from real life, then it is worth asking his advice regarding the strategy of the fight that you have to wage. The rescue was something expected and therefore did not cause any ANXIETY (UNCASE)? Has it passed the rescue, despite the obstacles; was it a success or a failure?

The rescue
The rescue in dreams it is associated with the desire for sex, the desire to have children and pregnancy. To save a woman from the water is to strive for sexual contact with her. To save a man from the water is to want a child from him. If you rescue a child or an animal, such as a cat, from the water, then you subconsciously feel that you are paying little attention to your child; For childless people, such a dream means thinking about possible adoption. If you save animals from a flood, then this speaks of your love and tender feelings for children. But beware! These feelings easily turn into attraction to pregnant women or pedophilia. If the victim resists and does not want to be saved, then this foreshadows a possible betrayal of your sexual partner. If you yourself saved yourself or avoided some danger, then this symbolizes a break with an unwanted or unpleasant sexual partner. If someone saves you or saves you from some kind of danger, then this symbolizes the appearance of a person who would like to have sexual contact with you.

The rescue
Seeing in a dream how you are escaping from some kind of trouble is a bad sign, meaning that you are in a state of increased nervousness or illness, and a warning about the need to be more careful. If you save someone in a dream, this foretells you recognition of your merits or a reward; if they rescue you, this is a warning of impending danger, especially of a possible accident.

If you save someone, victory and glory await you. To work as a rescuer - your ambition requires an outlet. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

The dream suggests that you are afraid for something, including your life. If you were saved in a dream, then in reality everything will be fine. Look who helps you: people, animals, fairy-tale creatures. If you were unable to escape, then in reality your prospects are unimportant.

In rescue dreams, are you the savior or the person in need of rescue? If you save others, you may see yourself in the role of a HERO, parent, or mentor. Who are these others, what are you saving them from and with what? The answers to these questions will give you the opportunity to understand the role that you assign to yourself in a certain system of relationships.

If you are being rescued, you may be feeling depressed or incompetent in a certain area of ​​your real life. It seems to you that the consequences of any miscalculation can lead to a fatal mistake. If your savior is a person you know from real life, then you should ask his advice regarding the strategy of the fight that you have to wage.

Was salvation something expected and therefore did not cause any ANXIETY (UNCASE)?

Did salvation take place despite obstacles; was it a success or a failure?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a lot of girls in your house is good news.

For men, seeing a nice-looking girl in a dream means big expenses.

Kissing her is a sign of unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you.

A very young girl with a fresh blush on her face, which you dreamed of, means that you are about to have a pleasant meeting with a nice person, which will significantly improve your mood.

An ugly girl you dreamed of foreshadows a disruption in the normal and calm course of your affairs or way of life. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows obstacles in business.

A sick girl in a dream is a harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps someone close to you will get sick, which will greatly upset you.

A dancing girl of a pleasant appearance in a dream means a love date or good news.

Buying or catching a girl in a dream is a sign of promotion; for a prisoner - release; for a sick person - recovery; for a rich person - benefit.

A sad girl (or crying) in your dream means discord between lovers or partners.

For a mother to see a blossoming young girl in her dream, the dream foretells receiving good news from her children.

For a woman, being a girl in a dream is a harbinger of a pleasant pastime, which may be fraught with consequences for her, which will not slow down on her reputation.

For a man, such a dream is a sign of ill health.

For people of creative professions - a surge of inspiration.

See interpretation: lady, freak.

Interpretation of dreams from Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Save). Seeing how you were saved means destruction.

God's salvation - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing how the Lord God himself saved you is a good turn in your life.

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Did you save a person in a dream? This means that in the near future you will do many good deeds, you will be admired, you will be praised. If you've been having a bad time lately, rejoice, everything will get better soon. Salvation in a dream promises change...

Dreaming of "Salvation" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing your salvation in a dream means a disaster on the road.

What does a dream mean about Salvation?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

“salvation on the waters”, “salvation of the soul”.

The meaning of a dream about salvation, help

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you save yourself - reward or ingratitude. They save you - payback. Way out of the crisis. Whether they help you or you - troubles, interference, claims. Spiritual development, mentoring.

Dream Interpretation: Why Dream of Salvation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Salvation on the waters, salvation of the soul.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Rescue, help?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you save yourself - reward or ingratitude; saving you - retribution; way out of the crisis; help you or you - troubles, interference, claims; spiritual development, mentoring.

Dreaming of Salvation - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you yourself saved yourself from some kind of danger (flood, fire, war, just a fall, hypothermia, etc.) - you will avoid trouble or sacrifice something for the sake of others. If you were saved in a dream, in reality your relationship with those who saved you will become more complicated. You will have to pay dearly for something...

Dream Interpretation: Why Dream of Salvation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Saving someone is associated with attraction to the specified person, the desire to be loved by him (her) due to the fact that the saved person has a debt that must be paid one way or another. The rescue of a girl from a monster dragon symbolizes the liberation of a mother...

Decoding and interpretation of sleep Salvation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you yourself escaped from some kind of danger (flood, fire, war, just a fall, hypothermia) - you will avoid trouble or sacrifice something for the sake of others. If you were saved in a dream, in reality your relationship with those who saved you will become more complicated. You will have to pay dearly for something (more likely, morally...

Salvation (Seen in a dream)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

If you dreamed that you managed to escape from some danger, then be prepared for the fact that serious tests are in store for you, but you will withstand them with honor. A dream in which you save others means that you will achieve respect in society thanks to...

Dream Interpretation: Why Dream of Salvation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

In rescue dreams, are you the savior or the person in need of rescue? If you save others, you may see yourself in the role of a hero, parent, or mentor. Who are these others, what are you saving them from and with...

Salvation - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Do you feel that you are unable to control your own life and that you need to be rescued? Do you feel like your safety and destiny are in someone else's hands? If you are always busy saving others, know that sometimes this pattern of behavior can lead...

Dream Interpretation: Why Dream of Salvation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing yourself asleep in a dream means that you are most likely traveling in the astral plane and seeing your body from the outside. May symbolize your reluctance to change. Stagnation. No movement. No change. If you dream that you are seeing a dream, most likely it is...

Dream Interpretation: Why Dream of Salvation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

To be saved or to be saved in a dream is a good sign. The dream suggests that some situation that in reality seems insoluble or very difficult to you, in fact is not so. Luck will certainly smile on you, unless you yourself become despondent...

Dream Interpretation: Why Dream of Salvation

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

It was as if you were in danger, but you were saved - this is how everything will be in reality: someone will take the trouble away from you. It’s as if you are saving someone - in real life you will do a lot of good deeds; you will enjoy great authority; it is possible...