Dream of getting lost in a hospital. Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about a Hospital? What does it mean to see a Hospital in a dream?

When you dream about a hospital, it always alarms the dreamer. And this is understandable, because in real life we ​​often associate this institution with illnesses and human suffering. Therefore, many people wonder why they dream about a medical facility?

If you see a hospital in your night dreams, you should not panic prematurely, because such a dream is a warning one. This means that by linking the plot of a dream with events occurring in reality, you can prevent the occurrence of troubles and problems.

To interpret dreams in which you saw a hospital, it is important to remember the smallest details of the dream plot. Only after analyzing the events that occur in night dreams and comparing them with your state of health can you understand why you had this dream and how to react correctly to it in reality.

Why do you dream about a medical facility?

When you dream of a hospital seen from afar, this does not bode well for anything bad in reality. Rather, on the contrary, a dream can be a harbinger of great success in a matter that is very important to you. After such a dream, a bright period will definitely come in real life and relations with competitors will stabilize.

Interior of a medical facility

A bad omen is a dream when you dream about the interior of a medical facility. On your life path, in reality, enemies and ill-wishers will become more active, which will not allow you to successfully move towards your goals. During this period, you need to exercise maximum caution and not make spontaneous decisions.

Mental hospital - dream book

The plot of the dream in which you see a mental hospital is vivid and unforgettable. This is a truly remarkable dream as it reflects your inner emotional state. Such a dream warns that you have been living in a state of stress for a long time, which is very dangerous for your overall health. It is very important in real life to relax and reconsider your attitude towards the world around you.

Interpretation of sleep by hospital departments

It is important to know what different departments of the hospital mean in dreams. Loff's dream book provides interpretations of each specific department of the hospital.

The values ​​are:
  • The emergency department indicates that you think a lot about your loved ones and take excessive care of them;
  • The therapeutic department emphasizes that you lack the attention of loved ones;
  • Resuscitation indicates that you need to let your loved one go.

dental clinic

A dental clinic seen in a dream warns that in reality you may be greatly disappointed in people. To avoid this, you need to avoid being too trusting and naive in life.

Dream activities in hospital

It is very important to pay attention to the actions that are carried out in the hospital in the dream plot. If you dream that you are in a hospital in one of the departments, then in real life this does not bode well. Most likely, in reality such a dream promises loneliness and melancholy. But you shouldn’t despair, because such night dreams are a warning, so you have a chance to change your destiny. You need to understand that, despite the fact that a period of difficulties comes in real life, your resilience will help you cope with any problems.

Dreamed of yourself in the role of a patient

When you saw yourself in the role of a patient in your night dreams, you should mentally prepare for any unpleasant surprises. In addition, you need to pay attention to your own health.

Why do you dream about surgery in a hospital?

If you dreamed that someone was undergoing surgery in a hospital, then this is a very good sign. You should expect good news and wonderful surprises in the near future. Be sure that fate has prepared amazing changes in your life.

A conversation with a doctor in a dream is also a good omen. Such a dream portends good luck at work, perhaps a promotion is expected.

See yourself as a doctor

Night dreams in which you see yourself as a doctor are also a harbinger of a bright streak in life. After such a dream, success awaits you in all your projects and endeavors, and luck will affect all areas of life.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, dreams of a hospital are interpreted simply:
  • If you enter a hospital building, you are at risk of serious illness;
  • If you leave a medical facility, you will soon be completely cured of your illness.

Visiting in the hospital - the meaning of sleep

When, according to the plot of the dream, you visit one of your loved ones in the hospital, this indicates that you really miss them. Maybe you are a very busy person and you don’t have enough time to communicate with them, or by coincidence you find yourself far from your relatives. Also, such a dream can emphasize that a particular person needs your help. If you dream that you are visiting a stranger in the hospital, this indicates that soon a stranger will turn to you for help, and you will not be able to refuse him.

Miller's Dream Book

It means that you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies who tried to cause you a lot of trouble.

Seeing a psychiatric hospital in a dream- portends you great mental stress with which you will overcome difficulties.

This is a sign of impending illness.

Visiting the sick- to unpleasant news.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Seeing yourself lying in the hospital- need to see a doctor or be overwhelmed by worries and inner loneliness.

Visiting someone in hospital- to improve circumstances.

Work in a hospital- going through difficult times.

Freud's Dream Book

Hospital- symbolizes a frigid woman, or a woman whose sensuality has not yet awakened; perhaps due to the lack of a worthy partner.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Hospital in a dream- a harbinger that in reality you will not be left without help and support in difficult times.

Solomon's Dream Book

Hospital- health, happiness, profit, success.

D. Loff's Dream Book

Hospital- it’s not a pleasant place. We end up there for different reasons, and we also learn about them from newspapers and television series. Although it is better not to enter this gloomy establishment - either as a patient or as a visitor. Nevertheless, as an inevitable part of reality, a person dreams of hospitals quite often. Moreover, as a rule, hospitals rarely have anything to do with diseases. However, in many dreams we have sufficient reasons to be there. This could be an ambulance, therapy, intensive care. Our hospital experiences vary too, from not being able to leave the hospital to being subjected to absurd treatments. Oddly enough, in dreams, emergency departments are directly related to the well-being of people important to us and relationships with them.

People admitted to the emergency department- are often overly concerned about their visitors or, conversely, about the victims whom they have to visit.

Therapeutic department- an indication that we need others or want others to need us.

Dreams unfolding in therapy- this is a manifestation of dependence: relationships in the hospital are one-sided and characterized by the patient’s dependence on the doctor. This is a type of addiction.

Reanimation- separation associated with danger, and sometimes with relief. Everyone understands that only seriously ill people go there. You may need to let someone go.

More intensive care- may remind you of a person who has long passed away.

If you don't want to leave the hospital- it means that you are not confident in your own ability to confront the world one on one, because in addition to pain, the hospital is associated with the concepts of care, care and support. What are you sick with? The answer to this question will tell you where you need additional support.

To be treated with absurd methods in a hospital- a way to balance the imbalance in life's needs and demands. Is everyone paying too much attention to something that you don't think is worth worrying about? Or, on the contrary, are you being treated for a completely different disease? This is especially funny if, for example, you have grown to an incredible size, but consider this quite normal, while others are extremely concerned about your uncontrollable growth. Your incredible size becomes an object of obsession for doctors, among whom you may recognize your boss from work, your love partner or your tennis acquaintance, etc. In darker versions of this dream, you are tormented by the fact that you feel seriously ill, but cannot get proper treatment and treatment from doctors.

New family dream book

If you dream that you are in a hospital- you may get sick.

You dreamed that you were being discharged from the hospital- you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies.

Residential psychiatric facility- dreams of great emotional stress.

Visiting the sick- to unpleasant news.

Modern combined dream book

See yourself leaving the hospital- means that you will be able to get rid of insidious enemies who tried to cause you a lot of trouble.

If you saw a psychiatric hospital in a dream- this means the upcoming difficulties that you will have to overcome will cause you strong mental stress.

If you dream that you are sick and in a hospital room- this is a sign of an impending illness.

Visiting the sick- to unpleasant news.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Hospital- to recovery (if you are sick); to a successful resolution of an important problem.

Leaving the hospital- to recovery; get in- to a future illness.

Mental- It makes sense to get checked by a neuropsychiatrist.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Hospital- an urgent need to revise your worldview, your views on yourself and the World. Reflection of neglect of one's health and/or body.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Lying in the hospital with a serious illness- to recovery.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

Seeing a hospital in a dream- to illness.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Hospital- to health, profit.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Hospital seen in a dream- portends troubles at a time when it seems to you that there is neither strength nor point in fighting them.

Be hospitalized as a result of an injury and be confined to a bed- to an impending illness that can be avoided by switching to a healthy lifestyle.

Leave the hospital- you will find a way to curb the unruly ill-wishers who have crossed the boundaries of what is permitted.

Visit someone in hospital- receive unpleasant news, visit relatives- to worries and sadness, children- for a family event, friends- to pleasure.

Visit a psychiatric hospital- a harbinger of great mental stress with which you will have to overcome hardships and adversities.

To be cured in it- to obstacles in business.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Hospital- health, happiness, christening; visit or take someone- incredible news

General dream book

You dreamed that you were in the hospital- you will get to someone's christening.

A dream that one of your relatives or friends is in the hospital- means: soon you will find yourself at a noisy party and have a great time.

In a dream you went to visit someone in the hospital- your loved ones will not face any illness in the near future.

If you dreamed that you were building a hospital- you may unexpectedly receive money or a valuable gift from distant relatives.

You saw a hospital burning, or you yourself set fire to a hospital - be careful; an accident may happen to you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Hospital- Consider visiting a doctor to check your health. Do you take care of your body? What can you do to strengthen your body?

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing or being in a hospital in a dream- not a very good sign, it may be a harbinger of troubles or losses.

Being in a hospital room in a dream- a sign of impending resentment or dissatisfaction with one’s action or behavior, visiting a patient in a dream and being in his hospital room- means that you may find yourself in a situation where you realize that you have made a mistake, but there is nothing you can do to correct it.

Be in hospital- you can expect worries, internal loneliness, under the influence of external circumstances, long and painful self-knowledge.

Being in a hospital in a dream- means that someone will try to ignore you, ignore your opinion, and create additional problems for you.

Get examined at a medical facility- means that a shift for the better will soon begin, both in health and in business.

Going through a medical examination in a dream- a warning, you need to take care of your health.

Seeing in a dream how you take tests- promises you unnecessary troubles.

Being in a first aid station in a dream- means that obstacles await you and your work will be difficult, but in the end you will be generously rewarded for your efforts.

Being in a hydropathic clinic in a dream- means that in reality you will be able to avoid an unwanted meeting, but if in a dream you are sent there for treatment, then in reality you will have to defend your point of view for a long time.

If you are visiting someone in a hospice (a special clinic for hopeless patients)- in reality someone is in a very difficult situation and needs your help.

Being in a hospice yourself- means that in reality you will be able to solve all the problems that have been bothering you for a long time.

English dream book

In a dream, stay in a hospital- this is a harbinger of an accident or illness.

If you leave the hospital- that means you will get better.

And if in a dream you came to the hospital to visit a sick friend- this is a sign of a quick improvement in your affairs and the sympathy of a noble heart.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Admitting someone to hospital- the desire for this person’s dependence on the individual.

Own hospitalization- means either fears for one’s health (fear of death and illness), or a desire for care or a masochistic desire for violence as a result of isolation.

The type of hospital and the patients observed (surgical, mentally ill) also matters.

Hospitals, nurses, doctors. May be related to children's games on this topic with erotic fixation, “playing doctor.”

Dream Book of the Wanderer

See the hospital- accident; a quiet, calm period of life.

If the sleeper was lying in it earlier in reality- to exacerbation of a chronic disease; loneliness; painful self-discovery.

To visit and see the sick- bad deeds, vices.

Modern universal dream book

I know why the hospital food tastes so bad- this is done so that the medicines seem tasty! What happens in the hospital in your dream? Do you work in a hospital or visit someone? Is there someone close to you in the hospital, or are you a patient yourself? How do you feel about the hospital? Does the hospital symbolize restoration of strength after a difficult period of life? Or is it a symbol of dependency: for example, do you (or another person) need medical care to keep you alive?

Hospital symbolizes- understanding. Your subconscious in this way draws your attention to a physical problem that requires a solution. Of course, if in real life you work in a hospital, the interpretation of the dream may be related to your professional activities.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Be in hospital- internal loneliness, worries / prolonged and painful self-knowledge under the influence of external circumstances.

Visit the hospital- secret thoughts / attraction to one’s “doubles”, reluctance to overcome one’s duality.

Doctor's appointment, medical examination- unexpected self-knowledge.

Visit patients at home- joy.

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

See the hospital- an unpleasant sight; be in hospital- get help.

Esoteric dream book

Visiting someone, being in hospital- you will be asked for a service that you cannot refuse.

Be in hospital- you need rest, otherwise you risk getting sick.

You are a doctor- you will be busy organizing other people's affairs.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Hospital- christening; visit or take someone away- incredible news; be in it- lack of money, stupid situation; psychiatric, to be placed there- complete success, fame, recognition; be a doctor, nurse- successful things.

Collection of dream books

Hospital- a place of healing.

Hospital- to big and small failures.

Watch yourself leaving the hospital- you will avoid the insidious plans of your enemies and emerge victorious.

If you saw a psychiatric hospital in a dream- get ready for unexpected troubles, you will be very worried, but everything will end well.

If you dreamed that you were sick and in the hospital- this is a sign of an upcoming illness. Visiting the sick in a dream means unpleasant news.

Since a hospital is a place where a person stays when he is seriously ill- such an image may reflect fear of illness or death. If you don’t have such fear at the present time, remember your past and try to find the moment where this fear was and from where it reaches into your present. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a desire for a person to be taken care of and to show more attention to him. This again may be a consequence of the fear that arose in childhood that you would be left alone.

Since the hospital- this is the place where a person is when he is seriously ill, then such an image may reflect the fear of illness or death. If you don’t have such fear at the present time, remember your past and try to find the moment where this fear was and from where it reaches into your present. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a desire for a person to be taken care of and to show more attention to him. This again may be a consequence of the fear that arose in childhood that you would be left alone.

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Have you ever seen a hospital in a dream? What does such a strange vision mean: illness? Or maybe a speedy recovery? We will devote our article precisely to this issue.

Looking at the hospital: good or bad?

Why do you dream about a hospital that you are just looking at? This means that a person close to you in spirit will soon become very ill and end up in a medical facility. The dreamer in this case acts as a visitor to the patient. Most likely, you managed to avoid treatment precisely because you are much stronger in spirit.

Why do you dream of a hospital that is on fire? This vision means an emergency. Be carefull! Beware of fast driving.

If you dreamed of an ambulance, you are seriously worried about your family. God knows - in vain.

Do dreamed hospital departments mean anything?

Did you dream of a therapeutic department? Reconsider your life, otherwise the risk that you may remain alone forever is quite high.

If the kingdom of Morpheus gave you a dream about an intensive care unit, then be careful - there is serious danger ahead. This vision may also indicate that you miss a person who recently passed away.

Did you dream about a surgical department? Expect trouble.

If you saw a first aid station in your dream, big obstacles await you on the way to your goal.

What if you saw a gynecological department? Such a dream promises a romance that will end in a disastrous breakup.

Why do you dream about a hospital (trauma department)? This vision means failure in business.

If you saw an x-ray in a dream, magical abilities are revealed in you that will help in the future.

Psychiatric hospital in a dream. What does it mean?

Did you see a psychiatric hospital in a dream? What does such a dream mean? A psychiatric hospital foreshadows serious difficulties soon, which you will have to spend a lot of effort to solve. Don't panic - everything will get better quickly.

Are you visiting a patient in a psychiatric hospital? What does such a dream mean? Visiting a mentally ill person in a hospital means a harbinger of mental stress. Along with this, you will have to overcome great difficulties and difficulties.

What does it mean to dream that you are in a psychiatric hospital? This suggests that your problems will soon be resolved.

Visit the sick. What does this dream mean?

A dream in which you came to visit your friends in a hospital means that in the near future you should expect unpleasant news from your loved ones.

If you have been assigned to look after a sick person, happiness and peace will come into your life in the near future.

If you visit your children at the clinic, expect a pleasant family event, friends - pleasure, relatives - sadness and anxiety.

What does it mean to dream in which you are taking a sick person to the hospital? This suggests that someone is waiting for help from you. After all, it is you who are to blame for the problems and failures of this unfortunate person. Do not renounce those in need, so that truly good people do not turn away from you in the future.

If you give flowers to a sick person in a dream, this means that you will have a minor accident, after which you will meet a good person.

Healthcare workers

If in a dream you saw yourself as an employee of a hospital institution, then expect trouble. There will be difficult times in your life in the near future.

If you dream about nurses, then this speaks of your hidden sexual fantasies.

What else can the dream “hospital” talk about? Doctors who talk to you in a dream mean hidden talent.

If in a dream you act as a builder of a medical institution, in the near future you will receive a monetary reward or inheritance from distant relatives.

What does it mean to dream in which you yourself are a doctor or a nurse? This speaks of immediate success, good luck in business and love.

Seeing yourself as a doctor who treats hopelessly sick people means other people’s problems, which, due to some coincidence, you will have to solve.

Why do you dream of a hospital in which you yourself work, but not as a doctor? Hard times await you soon.

What if the dreamer himself ended up in the hospital? What does this night vision mean?

If you are in the hospital as a patient, wait for your request to be fulfilled.

If you were looked after properly in the hospital and you liked everything there, then this is a great sign. Soon the disease will subside, and a white streak will begin in your life.

What if in a dream you saw yourself lying in a hospital? Try to get some rest, otherwise there is a high chance of getting sick.

Do you see empty hospital beds in your night vision? This indicates your worries about your recent surgery.

If in night vision you saw that you are in the hospital where you were once a long time ago, this means loneliness and low self-esteem. This dream may also indicate an exacerbation of a chronic disease.

Lying in a hospital in a dream, chained to a bed due to a serious injury, means a sharp deterioration in well-being. But this can be avoided if you adhere to a healthy lifestyle.

If in a dream you leave the hospital and are very happy, then be sure that your enemy is defeated forever.

Why do you dream of a hospital from which you are being discharged, but you just don’t want to leave? This means that you are not confident in yourself and your abilities.

If in a dream you are in a hydropathic clinic, then there is a chance that you will be able to avoid an unwanted meeting with an unpleasant person. This dream should be interpreted differently if you were forcibly placed there. Then, having met this very person, you will have to defend your interests for quite a long time.

Are you at the first aid station? This means that your many years of work will soon be rewarded.

If you are being examined by many doctors at the same time in the hospital, you should immediately think about your state of health.

Do you see yourself lying in the hospital? This means that someone is trying to put a spoke in your wheels. Because of this person, you will have a lot of problems, so do not trust strangers and do not let them know about your plans for the future.

In your dream, are you asking to be hospitalized? So you are thinking about the future. That is why you will emerge victorious from any situation.

What if the dreamer feels unwell in the hospital?

Are you running out the window? This means that you are trying to catch yourself thinking that your illness is not worth such attention. But in vain!

If in a dream you are treated with some unconventional or obscene methods, then this means that it is high time for you to see another doctor, because you are being treated for another disease. This dream also means empty worries on the part of your family and friends.

Seeing yourself sick and feeling unwell means an impending illness.

What does it mean to dream that you were forcibly placed in a medical facility? This speaks of quick success and fame.

Did you have a dream in which you are in the hospital and no one notices you? This suggests that bad health-related news awaits you. Perhaps you have some kind of hidden disease that, for some reason, has not yet manifested itself.

What does chamber mean?

If you dreamed that you were lying in a large ward, and there were a huge number of beds around, then this indicates your loneliness. This dream also promises the loss of a loved one, a serious illness, dismissal or divorce.

Did you dream of a hospital ward in which you yourself are? This means the ambulance you seriously need.

What if you're lying next to someone you know in a hospital room? This suggests that you consider yourself to blame for what happened. But you can’t return anything.

What does it mean to dream in which you see yourself lying in a hospital bed? This indicates your fear of going to a medical facility or getting sick. This dream also suggests that you want to throw all your worries and problems onto the shoulders of another person.

Treatment and diseases

Seeing a hospital in a dream where you undergo all kinds of tests means wasted efforts. Don't do extra work, otherwise you simply won't have enough energy for more profitable and responsible things.

If in the hospital you see yourself seriously ill, then expect a speedy recovery.

Did you dream that you were a patient, and your stay in the hospital was disgusting and humiliating? This indicates your poor health. Visit a doctor immediately, even if you are embarrassed about your problem.

Did you dream that you were being given an IV? Beware of people you don't like. They have long laid their traps.

If you're just looking at the drip, then it's time to think about your health.

Prophetic dreams in which you dreamed that you were in intensive care, and there was an IV hanging from above, mean that a doctor’s intervention is urgently needed, otherwise the malaise that you feel may end badly.

In a dream, do you see yourself covered with red spots? This suggests that your life will soon change dramatically. Watching another person suffer is a sign of sympathy for the sick person. Treating allergies yourself means temporary relief from worries.

Seeing an operation in a dream means a speedy recovery. But this interpretation is not always correct. In this case, you should pay attention to some little things. If the operating room was dark, the doctors were angry, and you screamed in pain - the disease will win, but not for long. Was the ward bright and memorable, and the doctors smiling and caring? Rest assured that you will recover soon.

What does it mean to dream in which you see an oxygen pillow? This indicates an upcoming serious illness.

Hospital food and medicine

If in a dream you are eating in the room, and there is no one around, then this speaks of your loneliness and lack of self-confidence. If you don’t start communicating with your friends and family in the future, you risk being alone forever.

A noisy and bright dining room with aromatic food means a speedy recovery and success in business.

What if you eat something you don't like? Don't be led by those who promise too much. Trust only yourself and your loved ones.

Are you enjoying your meal? All in your hands. This dream also means that people around you respect and value you.

If the hospital forces you to take medications that you don't like, then expect to get sick.


Where do they come from? Maybe it’s our body subconsciously warning us about upcoming troubles, or maybe it’s our guardian angels helping us? In any case, the answer remains behind a veil of secrecy. Will we ever be able to solve it? We'll find out in the near future. Sweet dreams!

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Hospital and what does it mean:

Hospital - seeing a hospital in a dream or being in one is not a very good sign; it can be a harbinger of troubles or losses. Being in a hospital room in a dream is a sign of impending resentment or dissatisfaction with one’s actions or behavior, visiting a patient in a dream and being in his hospital room means that you may find yourself in a situation where you realize that you have made a mistake, but you cannot do anything to fix it.

Lying in the hospital - you can expect worries, internal loneliness, under the influence of external circumstances - long and painful self-knowledge. Being in a hospital in a dream means that someone will try to ignore you, ignore your opinion, and create additional problems for you. To undergo an examination at a medical institution means that a shift for the better will soon begin, both in health and in business. Going through a medical examination in a dream is a warning; you need to take care of your health.

Seeing yourself taking tests in a dream promises you unnecessary troubles. Being in a first-aid post in a dream means that obstacles await you and your work will be difficult, but in the end you will be generously rewarded for your efforts. Being in a hydropathic hospital in a dream means that in reality you will be able to avoid an unwanted meeting, but if in a dream you are sent there for treatment, then in reality you will have to defend your point of view for a long time. If in a dream you are visiting someone in a hospice (a special clinic for hopeless patients), then in reality someone is in a very difficult situation and needs your help. Being in a hospice yourself means that in reality you will be able to solve all the problems that have been bothering you for a long time.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Hospital in a dream?

Hospital - if in a dream you are a patient, then an infectious disease will spread in your area, which you will miraculously avoid. If you visit the sick, you will soon receive disappointing news about those who are absent.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about going to the Hospital?

The hospital is a symbol of help, recovery, and cleansing. The clinic reminds us of pain, fear, birth, life and death. The daily struggle of illness and recovery, miracle and powerlessness under the cover of a medical institution makes the image dual. The hospital I saw is an extraordinary image. No one wants to go to the hospital, but children are born there and their relatives and friends are fighting for the lives. Going to the hospital is an alarming sign; pay attention to your physical and emotional health.

Do you dream about a hospital in a dream? This image is a harbinger of events, from adversity to successful resolution of cases. The interpretation of the dream depends on the details of the dream and the actions of the sleeper in the dream. As a rule, the dream book interprets a hospital as health and success in business, but also warns of illness; personifies the body of the patient, and parts of the building are organs or sore spots in a figurative sense (fears, worries, anxieties). Sometimes a dream about a hospital speaks of a fear of illness, death or loneliness, a desire for care and security.

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

Why did you dream about hospitals?

Hospital - Freud believed that the hospital is a complex image. This is a frigid woman, or a dreamer who has not yet opened up sexually. Visiting sick people in the hospital means unpleasant news awaits a sleeping person. Going to the hospital as a patient means illness is possible. To be discharged from the hospital is to get rid of enemies who are plotting and causing trouble. Psychiatric hospital, hospital for the mentally ill - strain of spirit. Mental imbalance will lead to new problems in solving old ones.

Romantic dream book

Why did you dream about the hospital?

  • Dreaming of an ex in the hospital - happiness in a relationship, a peaceful life begins without omissions and quarrels.
  • Seeing a hospital and doctors in a dream, talking with medical staff - expect a blossoming of feelings.
  • Going to a hospital in a ward with a large number of beds means a breakdown in relationships, divorce. Be careful in your words and actions, avoid acute conflicts with your partner.
  • The hospital where I was lying - fear of loneliness.
  • A girl dreams of a hospital - a showdown with a man. Avoid silence, express your point of view on things immediately, without accumulating resentment.
  • Seeing your husband in the hospital means shopping.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

Dreaming of a Hospital, what does it mean?

Hospital - Seeing yourself lying in a hospital: needing to see a doctor or being overwhelmed by worries, inner loneliness. Visiting someone in the hospital means improving circumstances. Working in a hospital means going through difficult times.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Hospital - Christening; visiting or taking someone away is incredible news; to be in it is a lack of money, a stupid position; psychiatric, to be placed there is complete success, fame, recognition; being a doctor, a nurse - successful things.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about being in the hospital?

The hospital is not a pleasant place; we end up there for various reasons, and we also learn about them from newspapers and television series. Although it is better not to enter this gloomy establishment - either as a patient or as a visitor. Nevertheless, as an inevitable part of reality, a person dreams of hospitals quite often. Moreover, as a rule, hospitals rarely have anything to do with diseases. However, in many dreams we have sufficient reasons to be there. This could be an ambulance, therapy, intensive care.

Our hospital experiences vary too, from not being able to leave the hospital to being subjected to absurd treatments. Oddly enough, in dreams, emergency departments are directly related to the well-being of people important to us and relationships with them. People who end up in the emergency department are often overly concerned about their visitors or, conversely, about the victims they have to visit. Therapeutic department - an indication that we need others or want others to need us. Dreams that unfold in therapy are a manifestation of dependence: the relationship in the hospital is one-sided and characterized by the patient’s dependence on the doctor. This is a type of addiction. Intensive care is a department associated with danger and sometimes with relief. Everyone understands that only seriously ill people go there. You may need to let someone go. Intensive care can also remind you of a person who has long passed away.

If you don’t want to leave the hospital, then you are unsure of your own ability to face the world one on one, because the hospital, in addition to pain, is associated with the concepts of care, care and support. What are you sick with? The answer to this question will tell you where you need additional support.

Being treated with absurd methods in a hospital is a way to balance the imbalance in life's needs and demands. Is everyone paying too much attention to something that you don't think is worth worrying about? Or, on the contrary, are you being treated for a completely different disease? This is especially funny if, for example, you have grown to an incredible size, but consider this quite normal, while others are extremely concerned about your uncontrollable growth. Your incredible size becomes an object of obsession for doctors, among whom you may recognize your boss from work, your love partner or your tennis acquaintance, etc. In darker versions of this dream, you are tormented by the fact that you feel seriously ill, but cannot get proper treatment and treatment from doctors.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the hospital from your dream

Hospital - See - accident; a quiet, calm period of life. If a person sleeping in a hospital was previously lying there in reality, this will lead to an exacerbation of a chronic disease; loneliness; painful self-discovery. To visit and see the sick is bad deeds, vices.

Modern dream book


Hospital – Health, profit. Visiting the sick is unexpected happiness. (don't forget to visit your sick friend.)

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

Hospital - Visiting someone, being in a hospital - you will be asked for a service that you cannot refuse. Lying in the hospital means you need rest, otherwise you risk getting sick. You are a doctor - you will be busy organizing other people's affairs.

Visiting someone in Hospice - you will find yourself surrounded by prosperous people and will be able to take your place among them. If you go to Hospice, don’t overwork yourself, it threatens your health!

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about Hospital?

Seeing a hospital in a dream is an unpleasant sight; to be in the hospital - to get help. Visiting the sick is a joy, according to the dream book this is how this dream is deciphered.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Hospital - Visit the sick - The request will be fulfilled; looking after them is happiness and joy.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Hospital - Visiting the sick - Unexpected happiness, fulfillment of a request - to look after them - happiness and joy. Visiting a patient in the hospital means his speedy recovery.

Slavic dream book

What do you dream about hospital for?

Hospital - someone connected to you on a subtle level will go there, but you will most likely avoid it, as you will be stronger. Although your health also requires your attention. To visit the sick is to do a godly deed. 12th house of the horoscope.

Great modern dream book

Hospital - why does the dreamer dream?

Hospital - You see yourself in a hospital - this dream foretells bad news related to health, or deterioration of health (even if you are a medical professional and see your workplace in a dream). It’s as if you are leaving the hospital - a good dream; you will finally get rid of the enemies who have long spoiled your life, and from the ailments that have long darkened your life.

Home dream book

What does a dreamer dream about about a hospital?

Hospital - the need or process of treating the body or soul; painful relationships. Therapeutic department - dependence on someone. Resuscitation is a danger; relief; the realization that you need to break up with someone; a memory of the person who left you; I don’t want to leave the hospital - I don’t feel confident in my own abilities, that I can cope with all the difficulties of life.

Modern dream book for 365 days

Why do you dream about the Hospital by day of the week?

Hospital - Stay in the hospital. A dream on Monday night means that you will learn something that will comfort and calm you; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to resolve an important issue; seen on Saturday or Sunday night - means lack of money.

Leave the hospital. A dream you had on Monday night means moving to a new apartment; dreamed on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will be freed from anxiety and unjustified suspicions; seen on Saturday or Sunday night means that you will try to do something new for you.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Why do you dream about Hospital:

Hospital - christening. Visiting someone in the hospital is a sign of sad news concerning people you know. Seeing yourself as a patient means fulfilling a request.

Dream book of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Hospital:

Hospital - A dream foretells troubles or losses. Imagine that the hospital is disbanded, and in its place a luxury hotel with a garden and a swimming pool appears.

English dream book

Why see the hospital:

Hospital - This image may occur frequently without much meaning if you have recently visited a hospital, are awaiting surgery, or work in the healthcare field in real life. In other cases, look for symbolic parallels to some aspect of your life.

Have you worked in a hospital, such as as a nurse or doctor? Perhaps you view yourself as someone skilled enough to interfere in other people's lives, if not physically, then emotionally, for example. Like a surgeon who cuts out the source of a disease? If you were a patient, were you well cared for or was your hospital stay painful and humiliating? In the second case, the dream may indicate ill health and it should be treated, no matter how ashamed you may be. The hospital can be a warning from the subconscious, an advice to monitor your health - perhaps it’s time for you to check with a doctor.

Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see a hospital:

Hospital - see also Operation. Since our attitude towards the hospital can be different, it is also ambiguous in a dream: sometimes it is presented as a safe place, sometimes on the contrary, as a place where we become vulnerable. In the first case, a dream about a hospital will be correctly interpreted as a hint that we need a respite from worries and anxieties, that we should take care of ourselves in order to gain new strength. If we understand that the hospital scares us, then in this case we most likely need to free ourselves from something in real life, put ourselves at the service of others and allow ourselves to go with the flow until the situation improves.

Dreaming of being in a hospital can mentally create a transition period between something that went wrong and things that have improved. Visiting someone in the hospital means that we know that some aspect of ourselves is not in the best condition, is damaged and requires observation.

A healing environment where things can be in a state of Valence - this is what a hospital represents in a dream.

Universal dream book for the whole family


Hospital - as a rule, means health and success in business, but it can also be a warning about illness; can personify the patient’s body, and parts of the building - organs or sore spots in a figurative sense (fears, worries, anxieties). Sometimes he talks about the fear of illness, death or loneliness, about the desire for care and security.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Hospital - To health, profit. Visiting a clinic in a dream means feeling unwell.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Hospital - Lying in a hospital with a serious illness means recovery. Seeing yourself lying in a clinic with a serious illness means a feeling of discomfort.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Hospital – Seeing a hospital in a dream means illness. Lying in a clinic in a dream means recovery.

Personal dreams and their interpretations

In our dreams, unlike real, everyday life, events do not depend at all on our desires or our intentions.

If in reality we decide for ourselves where to be and what to do, then in our dreams we sometimes find ourselves in places that it would be better to avoid and bypass. The hospital is one such place. Why?

Because a hospital is a place where a healthy person rarely goes, and only to visit a sick person. This place is associated with illness, suffering and grief. And it is never associated with anything pleasant.

But it’s not so easy to understand why you dream about a hospital or a clinic, or even a mental hospital. This symbol is difficult, multifaceted and ambiguous.

Often in dreams, a hospital (or even a mental hospital) symbolizes instability, emotional discord, or psychological problems.

It is unlikely that it can promise something very bright and beautiful, but do not rush to get scared and panic if you had such a dream - a hospital, a clinic, a doctor’s appointment, and so on. Even if the dream is unfavorable, it will help you avoid trouble and make the right decision.

But before you open the dream book, the hospital could be different in your dreams, and your role could also be different, so remember the details.

Alternatively, there may be the following dream scenarios:

  • You had to lie in a hospital in your dreams.
  • I had to stay in bed and then be discharged from the hospital.
  • You happened to visit a sick person in a dream.
  • In your dreams, you saw yourself in a hospital room.
  • You were a doctor, a nurse, a clinic worker.
  • In a dream, you suddenly found yourself in a hospital.
  • We talked to the doctor in a dream.
  • You dreamed of a mental hospital.
  • They called a doctor or an ambulance.
  • You visited the dental clinic.
  • They saw or themselves underwent surgery in a dream.
  • They operated on someone themselves.

The list may not be complete, but by finding the maximum match, you can interpret the dream and make the right decision. You can interpret what a hospital means in a dream using a dream book, but do not forget to take into account the details, and also use your intuition.

What are you complaining about?

Perhaps the dream was not pleasant. Perhaps it scared you or left an unpleasant aftertaste. But try to pull yourself together and look at what you see reasonably, coldly - after all, the interpretation of a dream can be different.

So, try to remember all the details of what you saw in your dreams, and let’s find out why you dream about the hospital. And then we’ll decide what to do in reality.

1. If you saw a hospital building in a dream from the outside, from a distance, this is a completely prosperous dream. It promises great success in an important and difficult matter, a truce with competitors or even enemies, success and a good, bright period.

2. If you saw the inside of a hospital room, corridors, offices, patients, this is not a good dream. It portends you competition, a fight with dishonest and unkind people. Your opponents want to stop you - and they can do so. Be careful.

3. A mental hospital is a bright sign, such a dream is difficult to forget. I’m curious what dreams of a psychiatric hospital mean, where do such dreams come from?

You don't just dream about a mental hospital. Whether you had to lie in it, or see it from the outside, in any case, a mental hospital is a symbol of your emotional or mental excessive stress.

You should calm down, relax, and distance yourself from obsessive thoughts. Otherwise, your tension can seriously harm you and lead to illness and discord in your life.

4. If in a dream you saw someone undergoing surgery, expect joyful events, great news and wonderful, amazing surprises in the near future. Fate, rest assured, has prepared something amazing for you.

5. If you happened to be in a hospital, clinic or intensive care unit, this does not bode well for you, alas. Lying in a hospital is always unpleasant, and in dreams it can promise loneliness, melancholy and alienation.

But don’t be afraid - this is temporary, and the outcome depends only on you. So, if you happen to be lying dreaming in a hospital room, know that your life may become difficult, difficulties may await you, but your resilience and strength will help you cope with it.

6. If in your dreams you are discharged from the hospital, go out into the wild, free and healthy - this is joyful and good. You will actually get rid of enemies, ill-wishers, difficulties and obstacles. A streak of light awaits you.

7. To visit a sick person in dreams promises unpleasant news or unfavorable events in life. It doesn’t matter who exactly you had to visit in your dreams - a relative, a friend, or just a stranger - this foreshadows something not very good, and what’s most unpleasant, from an unexpected direction.

Try to be prepared for unpleasant surprises. Pull yourself together, don’t build vain illusions and hopes for something illusory.

8. If in your dreams you happened to be lying down or simply being a patient in a hospital ward, this is a reason to take care of your own health - after all, such a dream portends illnesses. Be on your guard!

9. If you dreamed about doctors or one doctor with whom you had a chance to talk, expect good luck in your work and career. This is a dream that promises success.

10. If you yourself happened to be a doctor, a nurse, or even an ambulance driver in your dream, this is in any case a wonderful dream, foreshadowing a white streak, good luck and a “green light” in all matters. Use it!

11. It’s curious why you dream of a hospital or clinic that you unexpectedly had to go to in a dream. This is a dangerous sign - intrigues and intrigues from the opposite sex await you.

Now, during this period, be as attentive as possible in communicating with the other sex. Do not blindly trust everything, be sober and reasonable in order to avoid dangers.

12. As the dream book says, a dental hospital, or a dentist, promises disappointment in people, loss of faith in loved ones, collapse of hopes for friendship or relationships. To avoid this, don’t be too naive and gullible.

13. If in your dreams you were forced to call a doctor at home, whether for yourself or someone else, know that there is a danger of getting sick for you. Take care of your health!

14. Going through an operation in your dreams may be unpleasant, but in reality expect changes for the better. Your life will soon change, for the better, undoubtedly! Don’t be afraid of the new - even if the unknown scares you, know that a better future, new happiness and joy awaits you.

15. If you yourself operated on someone in your dreams, rest assured that in life you will receive some benefit, benefit from some business.

“Hospital” dreams are hardly pleasant. But they are useful in any case - even when the dream book warns of possible ill-wishers, dangers or adversity. Such a warning is valuable advice; it will allow you to protect yourself and your loved ones from possible problems.

Use the dream book wisely - take into account the signs, but make your own decisions!
Author: Vasilina Serova